- 1. Classical language refers to a language with a rich literary tradition that has been preserved and studied over many generations. These languages are often considered prestigious and are associated with ancient civilizations, literature, philosophy, and religion. They are typically used for scholarly and literary purposes, as well as in religious or ceremonial contexts. Classical languages have had a significant influence on the development of other languages and have played a key role in shaping cultures and societies throughout history.
Which language is considered a classical language of India?
A) Chinese B) Latin C) Arabic D) Sanskrit
- 2. Who is the famous playwright known for his classical Greek tragedies?
A) Shakespeare B) Euripides C) Sophocles D) Aristophanes
- 3. Which ancient language was used for legal and administrative purposes in ancient Rome?
A) Mayan B) Egyptian C) Latin D) Sanskrit
- 4. Which language is known for its epics like the Iliad and the Odyssey?
A) Sanskrit B) Greek C) Egyptian D) Latin
- 5. Who is the author of the Tao Te Ching, a classical Chinese text?
A) Sun Tzu B) Laozi C) Mencius D) Confucius
- 6. Who is the famous poet known for writing the Aeneid, an epic in Latin?
A) Ovid B) Cicero C) Homer D) Virgil
- 7. Who is the Chinese philosopher known for his teachings in Confucianism?
A) Confucius B) Laozi C) Mencius D) Sun Tzu
- 8. Who is the ancient Roman philosopher known for his work 'Meditations'?
A) Plato B) Seneca C) Cicero D) Marcus Aurelius
- 9. Who is the Greek mathematician known as the 'Father of Geometry'?
A) Pythagoras B) Archimedes C) Aristotle D) Euclid
- 10. Who is the Sanskrit poet known for the composition of the Mahabharata?
A) Sudraka B) Vyasa C) Kalidasa D) Bharavi