Poland recognized as independent state after First World War
  • 1. When was Poland recognized as an independent state after the First World War?
A) 1920
B) 1914
C) 1918
D) 1916
  • 2. Which Polish leader played a key role in the creation of an independent Poland in 1918?
A) Pope John Paul II
B) Lech Wałęsa
C) Frederic Chopin
D) Józef Piłsudski
  • 3. Which event directly led to the recognition of Poland as an independent state?
A) Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact
B) Yalta Conference
C) Treaty of Trianon
D) Treaty of Versailles
  • 4. Which country was instrumental in supporting Poland's independence after WWI?
A) Germany
B) France
C) Russia
D) United Kingdom
  • 5. What was the capital of Poland when it regained independence in 1918?
A) Warsaw
B) Krakow
C) Gdansk
D) Lodz
  • 6. What was the name of the Polish legislative body established after WWI?
A) Duma
B) Riksdag
C) Cortes
D) Sejm
  • 7. Which neighboring country did Poland gain territory from as a result of WWI?
A) Austria-Hungary
B) Lithuania
C) Germany
D) Russia
  • 8. What was the primary religion of the majority of people in Poland after independence in 1918?
A) Orthodox Christianity
B) Islam
C) Protestantism
D) Roman Catholicism
  • 9. What was the Polish government system after independence in 1918?
A) Republic
B) Theocracy
C) Dictatorship
D) Monarchy
  • 10. Which international organization did Poland become a member of after gaining independence?
A) European Union
B) United Nations
C) League of Nations
  • 11. What was the official language of the newly independent Poland in 1918?
A) German
B) Russian
C) French
D) Polish
  • 12. Who was the Prime Minister of Poland during its first years of independence?
A) Wojciech Korfanty
B) Janusz Jędrzejewicz
C) Wincenty Witos
D) Ignacy Jan Paderewski
  • 13. Which political ideology played a significant role in Polish politics after WWI?
A) Nationalism
B) Liberalism
C) Socialism
D) Fascism
  • 14. What major conflict arose between Poland and Soviet Russia in 1919-1920?
A) Danzig Crisis
B) Greater Poland Uprising
C) Polish-Soviet War
D) Silesian Uprisings
  • 15. Which foreign language was commonly spoken in the highest circles of Polish society at the time of independence in 1918?
A) English
B) French
C) Russian
D) German
  • 16. Which country did not recognize Poland's independence after WWI?
A) Soviet Union
B) United Kingdom
C) Italy
D) United States
  • 17. Who was the leader of the Bolsheviks during the Russian Revolution who sought to spread communism to Poland?
A) Leon Trotsky
B) Joseph Stalin
C) Nikolai Bukharin
D) Vladimir Lenin
  • 18. Which region of Poland was a major point of contention with Czechoslovakia after WWI?
A) Podlachia
B) Pomerania
C) Masovia
D) Cieszyn Silesia
  • 19. What was the name of the constitutional referendum held in Poland in 1921?
A) September Constitution
B) July Constitution
C) March Constitution
D) May Constitution
  • 20. Under the Soviet occupation of eastern Poland in 1939, what was the name given to the area annexed to the USSR?
A) Southern Finland and Estonia
B) Western Belorussia and Western Ukraine
C) Northern Romania and Bulgaria
D) Eastern Lithuania and Latvia
  • 21. Which agreement in 1941 between the Soviet and Polish governments allowed for the formation of a Polish army on Soviet soil?
A) Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact
B) Potsdam Agreement
C) Sikorski-Mayski Agreement
D) Yalta Conference
  • 22. In which year did Poland regain full independence and transition to a democratic system?
A) 1956
B) 1968
C) 1975
D) 1989
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