- 1. Kallocain, a dystopian novel written by Swedish author Karin Boye in 1940, presents a haunting vision of a totalitarian future where the state exercises immense control over individual thought and emotion. The narrative follows the life of Frederik pon, a scientist who invents a truth serum called Kallocain, intended to foster transparency and honesty within society. However, as the protagonist grapples with the moral implications of his invention, the story delves deep into themes of surveillance, conformity, and the loss of individuality in a regimented world. Boye masterfully explores the psychological toll of living under an oppressive regime, where personal relationships are undermined by fear and distrust, and the quest for freedom becomes a perilous endeavor. The interplay of freedom and control, combined with Boye's lyrical prose, challenges readers to reflect on the essence of human connection and the dangers of a society that sacrifices individual autonomy for the sake of perceived security. Kallocain resonates with contemporary issues, making it a timeless and thought-provoking work that continues to inspire discussions about privacy, government authority, and the complexities of human nature.
Who is the protagonist of Kallocain?
A) Dr. Rosenswärd B) Leo Kall C) Lars Kall D) Fanny Kall
A) A truth serum B) A mind control drug C) A sleeping pill D) A type of poison
- 3. In what year was Kallocain published?
A) 1940 B) 1950 C) 1945 D) 1935
- 4. What emotion does Leo Kall struggle with throughout the novel?
A) Anger B) Indifference C) Joy D) Fear
- 5. What is Leo Kall's profession?
A) Teacher B) Soldier C) Politician D) Scientist
- 6. Which theme is highly explored in Kallocain?
A) Adventure B) Surveillance C) Romantic love D) Friendship
- 7. What ultimately happens to the use of Kallocain in society?
A) It is banned B) It is improved C) It is forgotten D) It becomes widespread
- 8. What major philosophical question does Kallocain raise?
A) What is the nature of truth? B) What is love? C) What is happiness? D) What is power?
- 9. What symbol is often associated with Kallocain?
A) The key B) The gun C) The syringe D) The book