UTS reviewer Final pt1
  • 1. What is the sex chromosome of male?
A) YX chromosome
B) YY chromosome
C) XY chromosome
D) XX chromosome
  • 2. Ovary is the storage of _____?
A) Egg cell
B) testosterone
C) Fallopian tube
D) Erogenous zone
  • 3. hormones that produce by men?
A) testosterone
B) Blood
C) Estrogen
D) Menarche
  • 4. hormones that produce by women
A) Fantasies
B) Blood
C) testosterone
D) Estrogen
  • 5. First menstruation of female?
A) Estrogen
B) testosterone
C) June first
D) Menarche
  • 6. Where is the dating place of the sperm and egg cell?
A) Ovary
B) Erogenous zone
C) Menarche
D) Fallopian tube
  • 7. _____ are the most common problem associated with the reproductive system of adult or women?
A) Menarche
B) Sexually Transmitted Diseases
C) Coitus interuptus
D) Vaginal infection/Infection
  • 8. STD’s stands for?
A) Sex Transmitted Diseases
B) Sexually Transferred Diseases
C) Space Patrol Delta
D) Sexually Transmitted Diseases
  • 9. It refers to the parts of the body that are primarily receptive and increase sexual arousal when touched in sexual manner?
A) Estrogen
B) testosterone
C) Erogenous zone
D) Vaginal infection/Infection
  • 10. Majority of males and females have _____ of some socio sexual activity while gratify themselves
A) Fantasies
B) testosterone
C) Sussy website
D) ( ¬‿¬)
  • 11. Hinduism was originated in what country
A) Thailand
C) India
D) Palestine
  • 12. Who is the founder of Buddhism?
A) Vaginismus
B) Socrates
C) Buddha
D) Siddhartha Gautama
  • 13. This natural method involves refraining from sexual intercourse it is the most effective natural birth control method with ideally 0% fail rate.
A) Subdermal Implants
B) Abstinence
C) Cervical mucus method
D) Coitus interuptus
  • 14. The change in cervical mucus during ovulation is the bases for this method, this is copious, thin, and watery.
A) Cervical mucus method
B) Subdermal Implants
C) Coitus interuptus
D) Abstinence
  • 15. The ovulation detection method uses an over the counter kit that requires ______ sample of a women
A) Saliva
B) Urine
C) Blood
D) Tears ദ്ദി(ㅠᯅㅠ)v
  • 16. This one of the oldest methods that prevents conception
A) Coitus interuptus
B) Subdermal Implants
C) Cervical mucus method
D) Abstinence
  • 17. It is also known as the pill contains synthetic estrogen and progesterone.
A) Oral Contraceptives
B) Cervical mucus method
C) Subdermal Implants
D) Abstinence
  • 18. This silicon ring is inserted into the female reproductive organ and remains there for three weeks and then removed on the fourth week, as menstrual flow would occur
A) Abstinence
B) Vaginal Ring
C) Subdermal Implants
D) Cervical mucus method
  • 19. ___________ are two rod-like implants inserted under the skin of the female during her menses or on the seventh day of her menstruation to make sure that she will not get pregnant.
A) Subdermal Implants
B) Subdermal Implants
C) Subdermal Implants
D) Vaginal Ring
  • 20. It is a small, T-shaped object containing progesterone that is inserted into the uterus via the female reproductive organ.
A) Diaphragm
B) Intrauterine Device
C) Vaginal Ring
D) Coitus interuptus
  • 21. It is a circular, rubber disk that fits the cervix and should be placed before coitus
A) Intrauterine Device
B) Coitus interuptus
C) Vaginal Ring
D) Diaphragm
  • 22. It is made of soft rubber and fitted on the rim of the cervix. It is shaped like a thimble with a thin rim, and could stay in place for not more than 48 hours.
A) Cervical cap
B) Diaphragm
C) Vaginal Ring
D) Ovary cap
  • 23. BBT stands for?
A) Basal Body Temperature
B) Big Black Tshirt
C) Baby Body Temperature
D) Big Black Tower
  • 24. Fallopian tube’s is a dating place of sperm and egg cell
A) False
B) True
  • 25. Chemical Barriers can prevent sexually transmitted disease.
A) True
B) False
  • 26. What do you call of the gametes of male?
A) Sperm
B) Egg cell
C) Confucius
D) Tadpole
  • 27. What do you call of the gametes of female?
A) Egg cell
B) Sperm
  • 28. Who is the founder of taoism?
A) Vaginismus
B) Lao Tzu
C) Confucius
D) Siddhartha Gautama
  • 29. Who is the founder of confucianism?
A) Confucius
B) Siddhartha Gautama
C) Lao Tzu
D) Vaginismus
  • 30. It is a strong spasm of the pelvic musculature constricting the female reproductive organ so that penetration is painful or impossible.
A) Ovary
B) Diaphragm
C) Vaginismus
D) Fallopian tube
  • 31. Who is Socrates's student?
A) Vaginismus
B) Plato
C) Augustine
D) Confucius
  • 32. Who said that every man is composed of body and soul. This means that every human person is dualistic.
A) Augustine
B) Confucius
C) Socrates
D) Plato
  • 33. magnum opus, "The Republic"
A) Socrates
B) Thomas Aquinas
C) Augustine
D) Plato
  • 34. forged by reason and intellect has to govern the affairs
A) Appetitive soul
B) Spirited soul
C) Rational soul
  • 35. in charge of base desires like eating, drinking, sleeping, and having sex are controlled as well.
A) Spirited soul
B) Appetitive soul
C) Appetitive soul
  • 36. which is in charge of emotions should be kept at bay,
A) Appetitive soul
B) Appetitive soul
C) Spirited soul
  • 37. agreed that man is of a bifurcated nature
A) Augustine
B) Thomas Aquinas
C) Plato
D) Socrates
  • 38. most eminent thirteenth century scholar
A) Thomas Aquinas
B) Augustine
C) Socrates
D) Plato
  • 39. refers to the "common stuff that makes up everything in the universe."
A) Matter or Hyle
B) Form or Morphe
  • 40. refers to the "essence of a substance or thing."
A) Matter or Hyle
B) Form or Morphe
  • 41. Father of Modern Philosophy
A) Thomas Aquinas
B) Augustine
C) Socrates
D) Rene Descartes
  • 42. In his famous treatise, The Meditations of First Philosophy
A) Socrates
B) Augustine
C) Rene Descartes
D) Thomas Aquinas
  • 43. his famous, cogito ergo sum, "I think therefore, I am."
A) Thomas Aquinas
B) Rene Descartes
C) Socrates
D) Augustine
  • 44. the thing that thinks, which is the mind
A) the soul
B) the mind
C) the cogito
D) the self
  • 45. extension of the mind, which is the body.
A) the cogito
B) the mind
C) the extenza
D) the self
  • 46. a Scottish philosopher
A) David Hume
B) Merleau-Ponty
C) Gilbert Ryle
D) Rene Descartes
  • 47. is the school of thought that espouses the idea that knowledge can only be possible if it is sensed and experienced.
A) rose school of thought
B) the extenza
C) empiricism
D) spouses the school of idea
  • 48. solves the mind-body dichotomy
A) Merleau-Ponty
B) Rene Descartes
C) Gilbert Ryle
D) David Hume
  • 49. it is meant that the self is distinct from other selves
A) private
B) self-contained and independent
C) Consistency
D) separate
  • 50. because in itself it can exist. Its distinctness allows it to be self-contained with its own thoughts, characteristics, and volition
A) unitary
B) Consistency
C) self-contained and independent
D) private
  • 51. in that it is the center of all experiences and thoughts that run through a certain person.
A) unitary
B) separate
C) Consistency
D) private
  • 52. also means that a particular self's traits, characteristics, tendencies, and potentialities are more or less the same.
A) unitary
B) self-contained and independent
C) Consistency
D) private
  • 53. Each person sorts out information, feelings and emotions, and thought processes within the self. This whole process is never accessible to anyone but the self.
A) private
B) separate
C) unitary
D) Consistency
  • 54. French Anthropologist
A) Marcel Mauss
B) Moi
C) Thomas Aquinas
D) Augustine
  • 55. refers to a person's sense of who he is, his body, and his basic identity, his biological givenness. It is a person's basic identity
A) desire
B) Moi
C) Personne
D) the self
  • 56. is composed of the social concepts of what it means to be who he is.
A) desire
B) Personne
C) Moi
D) the self
  • 57. was one of the earliest psychologists to study the self
A) Augustine
B) William James
C) Marcel Mauss
D) Gilbert Ryle
  • 58. love is a _____.
A) true self
B) emotion
C) Identity
D) desire
  • 59. The "I" is ✓ the
A) thinking, acting, and feeling self
B) physical characteristics as well as psychological capabilities that makes who you are
  • 60. The "me" on the other hand, is the
A) physical characteristics as well as psychological capabilities that makes who you are
B) thinking, acting, and feeling self
  • 61. is composed of personal characteristics, social roles, and responsibilities, as well as affiliations that define who one is
A) private self
B) public self
C) Self- concept
D) Identity
  • 62. is what basically comes to your mind when you are asked about who you are
A) public self
B) private self
C) Self- concept
  • 63. your internal standards and private thoughts and feeling
A) Self- concept
B) public self
C) private self
  • 64. commonly geared toward having a good presentation of yourself to others
A) public self
B) private self
C) Self- concept
  • 65. self is who you are at the moment.
A) ideal
B) ought
C) actual
  • 66. self is who you like to be
A) ideal
B) actual
C) ought
  • 67. self is who you think you should be
A) ideal
B) actual
C) ought
  • 68. we create a positive self-concept by comparing ourselves with those who are worse off than us
A) upward social comparison
B) downward social comparison
  • 69. which is comparing ourselves with those who are better off than us
A) upward social comparison
B) downward social comparison
  • 70. Puberty is the period of life, generally between the ages of
A) 18 and 20 years old
B) 10 and 15 years old
C) 7 and 9 years old
  • 71. ________ play an important role in the regulation of ovulation and fertility of females.
A) Hormones
B) testosterone
C) Estrogen
  • 72. It is most commonly follows mumps in an adult male.
A) Neoplasms
B) Orchiditis
C) Tumors
  • 73. a major threat to reproductive organs.
A) Orchiditis
B) Neoplasms
C) Tumors
  • 74. ______ of the breast and cervix are the most common reproductive cancers in adult females
A) Neoplasms
B) Orchiditis
C) Tumors
  • 75. ovulation and menses stop entirely, ending childbearing ability. This event is called as _______, which occurs when females no longer experience menstruation.
A) menopause
B) monopause
C) menupause
D) menoplay
  • 76. It is defined as any activity-solitary, between two persons, or in a group-that induces sexual-arousal
A) Hand holding
B) Human sexual behavior
C) (𓁹󠁘◡𓁹)
D) flirting
  • 77. heterosexual behavior
A) male with male or female with female
B) bicycle
C) male with female
D) male with animal
  • 78. homosexual behavior
A) male with female
B) all rounder
C) male with male or female with female
  • 79. most frequent among the unmarried
A) post nut calrity
B) Ejaculatory impotence
C) self-gratification
  • 80. the insertion of the male reproductive and female reproductive organ
A) Human sexual behavior
B) Premature emission of semen
C) Coitus
  • 81. a common problem, especially for young males
A) wet dream
B) self-gratification
C) Premature emission of semen
D) Ejaculatory impotence
  • 82. which results from the inability to ejaculate in coitus
A) Ejaculatory impotence
B) Premature emission of semen
C) Impotence
  • 83. This method is also called as the rhythm method
A) Surgical Methods
B) ovulation detection method
C) Calendar Method
  • 84. uses an over-the-counter kit that requires the urine sample of the woman
A) Calendar Method
B) Surgical Methods
C) ovulation detection method
  • 85. The woman should apply one patch every week for three weeks on the following areas: upper outer arm, upper torso, abdomen, or buttocks.
A) Chemical barriers
B) Transdermal Patch
  • 86. such as spermicides, vaginal gels and creams, and glycerin films are used to cause the death of sperms before they can enter the cervix
A) Transdermal Patch
B) Chemical barriers
  • 87. During vasectomy, a small incision is made on each side of the scrotum
A) ovulation detection method
B) Calendar Method
C) Surgical Methods
  • 88. performed after menstruation and before ovulation
A) tubal ligation
B) intervention
C) Ritual
D) Surgical Methods
  • 89. human person will not develop as human person with out ____
A) Hinduism
B) intervention
C) Ritual
D) china
  • 90. confusionism originated in what country
B) india
C) thailand
D) china
  • 91. author of the principles of psychology
A) William shakespeare
B) William James
C) William Hanson
D) William Smith
  • 92. the performance of ceremonial acts prescribed by a traditional or sacred law
A) Rehearsing
B) Ritual
C) What is the oldest religion?
  • 93. What is the 3rd of material self?
A) Instant Family
B) Immediate Family
C) Self-test
D) actual self
  • 94. What is the oldest religion?
A) Buddhism
B) Christianism
C) Hinduism
D) Confucianism
  • 95. It comprises the 2.5% of a Muslim's assets.
A) Zanpakuto
B) Zactan
C) Zakato
D) Zakat
  • 96. This is a toxic trait among Filipinos where one resents the achievement of another, instead of feeling happy for that person.
A) Crab Mentality
B) Boomer Mentality
C) Fish Mentality
D) Toxicity
  • 97. This is not just about repeatedly talking, writing, and/ or doing what you have learned
A) Training
B) Practicing
C) Memorizing
D) Rehearsing
  • 98. this is trying to test your comprehension of your learning experience or the skills you have acquired during learning.
A) Self-test
B) Self-appraisal
  • 99. It is your personal reflection on your knowledge and capabilities
A) Self-test
B) Self-appraisal
  • 100. famous line "Hakuna Matata, meaning no worries. The phrase is said to have originated from "Bathala na," where Bathala means God, and the phrase meaning leaving everything into God's hands.
A) "Hayaan mo na" Attitude
B) "Iwan mo na" Attitude
C) “Bahala na” Attitude
D) "Bahala na si Lord" Attitude
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