  • 1. Latin is a classical language belonging to the Italic branch of the Indo-European languages. It was originally spoken in the Latium region of central Italy. Latin was the language of the Roman Republic, the Roman Empire, and the Catholic Church in the medieval period. It has had a significant influence on Western languages, literature, and culture. Although considered a dead language, Latin is still studied and used in specialized fields such as law, medicine, and science.

    Which Latin phrase means 'I came, I saw, I conquered'?
A) Cogito, ergo sum
B) Veni, vidi, vici
C) E pluribus unum
D) Carpe diem
  • 2. What does 'carpe diem' mean in Latin?
A) Seize the day
B) In the year of our Lord
C) The die is cast
D) Love conquers all
  • 3. Which phrase means 'in the middle of things' in Latin?
A) Ad hoc
B) In medias res
C) Per se
D) Requiescat in pace
  • 4. Which Latin phrase means 'through hardships to the stars'?
A) Omnium rerum principia parva sunt
B) Ars longa, vita brevis
C) Per aspera ad astra
D) Semper fidelis
  • 5. What does 'tempus fugit' mean in Latin?
A) Time flies
B) The end justifies the means
C) Let the buyer beware
D) The die is cast
  • 6. Which Latin phrase means 'always faithful'?
A) Ad astra per aspera
B) Quid pro quo
C) Semper fidelis
D) Deus ex machina
  • 7. What does 'caveat emptor' mean in Latin?
A) Let the buyer beware
B) In vino veritas
C) Panem et circenses
D) Veni, vidi, vici
  • 8. What does 'tabula rasa' mean in Latin?
A) Time flies
B) The die is cast
C) Blank slate
D) Ars longa, vita brevis
  • 9. What does 'sub poena' mean in Latin?
A) Per aspera ad astra
B) Under penalty
C) Ex officio
D) Ad infinitum
  • 10. Which Latin phrase means 'who benefits?'
A) Vade mecum
B) Sic transit gloria mundi
C) Panem et circenses
D) Cui bono?
  • 11. Which ancient civilization spoke Latin?
A) Persians
B) Romans
C) Egyptians
D) Greeks
  • 12. What is the Latin word for 'peace'?
A) Pax
B) Amor
C) Lux
D) Veritas
  • 13. Who wrote the epic poem 'Aeneid' in Latin?
A) Ovid
B) Horace
C) Virgil
D) Cicero
  • 14. What does the Latin phrase 'et tu, Brute?' mean in English?
A) The die is cast
B) Love conquers all
C) And you, Brutus?
D) Beware of Greeks bearing gifts
  • 15. What is the Latin plural form of 'alumnus'?
A) Alumni
B) Alumnae
C) Alumna
D) Alumnuses
  • 16. Who was the Roman goddess of love?
A) Mars
B) Jupiter
C) Neptune
D) Venus
  • 17. Who was the Roman emperor who famously declared 'I came, I saw, I conquered' in Latin?
A) Caligula
B) Nero
C) Augustus
D) Julius Caesar
  • 18. What is the Latin word for 'gold'?
A) Argentum
B) Aurum
C) Cuprum
D) Ferrum
  • 19. What Latin word means 'I forbid'?
A) Eheu
B) Ave
C) Memento
D) Veto
  • 20. Which Latin phrase translates to 'While I breathe, I hope'?
A) Alea iacta est
B) Carpe diem
C) Dum spiro spero
D) Cogito ergo sum
  • 21. What does the Latin phrase 'cogito ergo sum' mean in English?
A) I think, therefore I am
B) Veni vidi vici
C) All is vanity
D) Seize the day
  • 22. In Latin, what does the phrase 'ad hoc' mean?
A) For this purpose
B) Tempus fugit
C) Carpe diem
D) Love conquers all
  • 23. Who wrote the philosophical work 'Meditations' in Latin?
A) Cicero
B) Seneca
C) Pliny
D) Marcus Aurelius
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