Transportation Engineering
  • 1. What is the purpose of a traffic impact study?
A) Creating a new carpool lane
B) Planning a new subway line
C) Recording traffic violations
D) Assessing the impact of proposed development on the transportation network
  • 2. What does 'LOS' stand for in transportation engineering?
A) Level of Service
B) Lane Operating Speed
C) Load on System
D) Length of Street
  • 3. Which traffic signal color indicates to drivers to stop?
A) Blue
B) Green
C) Yellow
D) Red
  • 4. What is the purpose of a traffic impact fee?
A) To reduce the speed limit on highways
B) To increase the cost of parking tickets
C) To fund transportation improvements necessitated by new development
D) To penalize carpooling
  • 5. What is the term for the process of moving goods and products from one place to another?
A) Commute
B) Logistics
C) Tourism
D) Navigation
  • 6. What does the acronym 'ITS' stand for in transportation engineering?
A) Intelligent Transportation Systems
B) Innovative Traffic Solutions
C) Interstate Traffic Solutions
D) International Transport Standards
  • 7. What does VMT stand for in transportation engineering?
A) Vehicle Maintenance Tracker
B) Vehicle Miles Traveled
C) Virtual Motion Technology
D) Visual Monitoring Tool
  • 8. Which factor influences the capacity of a roadway the most?
A) Speed limit
B) Surface material
C) Road length
D) Number of lanes
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