Brazil returns to democratic civilian rule
  • 1. When did Brazil return to democratic civilian rule?
A) 1985
B) 1990
C) 2000
D) 1975
  • 2. What was the name of the last military president of Brazil before the return to civilian rule?
A) Dilma Rousseff
B) Michel Temer
C) João Figueiredo
D) Jair Bolsonaro
  • 3. What major event triggered the transition to democracy in Brazil?
A) Diretas Já movement
B) FIFA World Cup
C) Brazilian coup d'état
D) Corruption scandal
  • 4. Who was the vice president who took office as president after Tancredo Neves' death?
A) Fernando Collor de Mello
B) José Sarney
C) Itamar Franco
D) Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva
  • 5. Which Brazilian state plays a significant role in the transition to democracy due to its significance in the military regime?
A) São Paulo
B) Minas Gerais
C) Rio de Janeiro
D) Bahia
  • 6. Which country was crucial in supporting Brazil's return to democracy?
A) Russia
B) China
C) United States
D) Germany
  • 7. Which constitution established the military regime in Brazil?
A) Constitution of 1967
B) Constitution of 1934
C) Constitution of 1988
D) Constitution of 1946
  • 8. How many years did the military rule last in Brazil before the transition to democracy?
A) 12
B) 15
C) 30
D) 21
  • 9. Who was the first civilian president elected after the military regime in Brazil?
A) Fernando Collor
B) José Sarney
C) Itamar Franco
D) Tancredo Neves
  • 10. In what year did Brazil hold its first direct presidential elections after the military rule?
A) 1989
B) 1990
C) 1995
D) 2000
  • 11. Who became the first directly elected president of Brazil after the end of the military rule?
A) Fernando Henrique Cardoso
B) Fernando Collor
C) Dilma Rousseff
D) Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva
  • 12. Who was the first female president of Brazil?
A) Fernanda Montenegro
B) Marina Silva
C) Ana Maria Braga
D) Dilma Rousseff
  • 13. Who succeeded Dilma Rousseff as president of Brazil after her impeachment?
A) Jair Bolsonaro
B) Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva
C) Michel Temer
D) Marina Silva
  • 14. Which Brazilian state was the birthplace of former president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva?
A) Pernambuco
B) Rio de Janeiro
C) Bahia
D) São Paulo
  • 15. What year did Jair Bolsonaro assume office as president of Brazil?
A) 2017
B) 2019
C) 2020
D) 2018
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