ca.2,040 -ca.1,640 BC
  • 1. Which ancient civilization was flourishing around ca. 2,040 - ca. 1,640 BC?
A) Egyptian civilization
B) Minoan civilization
C) Mesopotamian civilization
D) Indus Valley civilization
  • 2. What architectural marvel was built in ca. 2,600 BC and is still standing today?
A) Great Pyramid of Giza
B) Parthenon
C) Hanging Gardens of Babylon
D) Stonehenge
  • 3. Which city was the capital of the Assyrian Empire around ca. 2,040 - ca. 1,640 BC?
A) Babylon
B) Nineveh
C) Damascus
D) Assur
  • 4. Which queen reigned over the kingdom of Sheba around ca. 1,000 BC?
A) Cleopatra VII of Egypt
B) Elizabeth I of England
C) Queen of Sheba
D) Catherine the Great of Russia
  • 5. Which ancient civilization built the city of Mohenjo-Daro around ca. 2,600 BC?
A) Indus Valley civilization
B) Hittites
C) Babylonians
D) Mycenaeans
  • 6. What important trade route connected the Mediterranean world with China during ca. 2,200 BC?
A) Salt Route
B) Amber Road
C) Silk Road
D) Incense Route
  • 7. Which civilization was known for their advanced knowledge of astronomy and mathematics around ca. 2,100 BC?
A) Harappans
B) Babylonians
C) Minoans
D) Olmecs
  • 8. What important religious text was composed in India around ca. 1,200 BC?
A) Rigveda
B) Book of the Dead
C) Avesta
D) Tao Te Ching
  • 9. Which ruler founded the Akkadian Empire around ca. 2,340 BC and is considered the first emperor in history?
A) Sargon of Akkad
B) Hammurabi
C) Gilgamesh
D) Ashurbanipal
  • 10. In ca. 2,000 BC, the Hittites became the first civilization to master the production of what material?
A) Gold
B) Bronze
C) Silver
D) Iron
  • 11. Which city was the political and cultural center of the Minoan civilization?
A) Thebes
B) Sparta
C) Athens
D) Knossos
  • 12. What type of system did the Minoans use for writing?
A) Hieroglyphics
B) Cuneiform
C) Phoenician alphabet
D) Linear A
  • 13. Which island was the main island of the Minoan civilization?
A) Cyprus
B) Rhodes
C) Santorini
D) Crete
  • 14. What was the main source of wealth for the Minoans?
A) Farming
B) Trade
C) Mining
D) Fishing
  • 15. What archaeological site on the island of Thera is associated with a Bronze Age eruption?
A) Olympia
B) Akrotiri
C) Delphi
D) Ephesus
  • 16. Who was the mythical labyrinth-dwelling beast said to have been slain by Theseus?
A) Sphinx
B) Gorgon
C) Minotaur
D) Cerberus
  • 17. Which metal became increasingly important during the Late Minoan period?
A) Iron
B) Gold
C) Bronze
D) Silver
  • 18. Which natural disaster was possibly depicted in Minoan art and may have influenced their religious beliefs?
A) Tornado
B) Wildfire
C) Volcanic eruption
D) Flood
  • 19. Which Greek god is associated with the Minoan snake goddess?
A) Zeus
B) Poseidon
C) Apollo
D) Athena
  • 20. What musical instrument was likely played by the Minoans?
A) Flute
B) Lyre
C) Bagpipes
D) Drum
  • 21. Who is considered the father of archaeology and excavated the Minoan site of Knossos?
A) Sir Arthur Evans
B) Heinrich Schliemann
C) Howard Carter
D) Indiana Jones
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