  • 1. __Which of these describes the process of innovation?A. New ways to achieve an existing or new goal
    B. Finding new ways to reduce costs, speed-up check-ins, eliminates delays
    C. Product Development
    D. Outsourcing Call centers
    E. Offshoring
A) A, B D and E only
B) A B C D and E
C) A and C only
  • 2. Coca-cola company once accounted 80% of sales cost failure of its innovation.
    Which means___?
A) Not all innovations leads to success or a failure
B) Observability of product
C) Product Relative advantage
  • 3. Too many features on products, lack of information and ambiguities can lead
A) Test Marketing
B) Trialability
C) Complexity
  • 4. nnovation offers significant benefits than existing products
A) Product Relative advantage
B) Consumers
C) Compatibility
  • 5. _Innovation offers observable results.
A) Trialability
B) Observability of product
  • 6. They impact the innovation based on their personal characteristics in adopting new
A) Compatibility
B) Trialability
C) Consumers
  • 7. A product innovation can be tested in a limited basis
A) Trialability
B) Observability of product
C) Compatibility
  • 8. Product innovation fits consumer's belief, lifestyle, values and needs.
A) Consumers
B) Observability of product
C) Trialability
D) Compatibility
  • 9. One of the Factors influence the Product Innovation?
A) Compatibility
B) Trialability
C) Diffusion of innovation
  • 10. Adoption of innovation is influenced by____?
    A. Threat and Growth Delay
    B. Consumer
    C. Product
    D. Messenger/courier
    E. Message
A) B, C, D and E only
B) A B C D and E
C) A B D and E
D) A and B only
  • 11. New ideas are communicated among people in a social system overtime
A) Diffusion
B) innovation
C) Diffusion of innovation
  • 12. The product and its proposed strategy are tested in realistic market settings
A) Product Positioning
B) Test Marketing
C) Innovation
  • 13. A program used within a company to define, develop and launch a new product or
A) New Product Introduction (NPI)
B) New Product Development (NPD)
  • 14. The complete process of bringing a new product or service to market.
A) New Product Development (NPD)
B) New Product Introduction (NPI)
  • 15. Product goes into full development and production.
A) Feasibility
B) Marketing Strategy
C) Merchant Approach
D) Product development
  • 16. Configure the right marketing mix for the new product.
A) Marketing Strategy
B) Feasibility
C) Product development
  • 17. Which of these are the focus of Business analysis?
    A. Target sales
    B. Projected Profit
    C. Captive Market
    D. Costs
A) A and C only
B) A B C and D
C) A, B and D only
  • 18. Firms have resources to develop the new product idea.
A) Acceptability
B) Product development
C) Feasibility
  • 19. The new product idea meets the expectations of the stakeholders
A) Feasibility
B) Acceptability
C) Informal Approach
  • 20. Which of the following questions answer the suitability of ideas screening?
    A. Should company capture innovative ideas by consumers?
    B. Is the new idea an excellent fit with the company?
    C. Does it have potential to improve the growth of the company?
    D. Is it a good fit with the company's product portfolio?
A) A C and D only
B) B, C and D only
C) A B C and D
  • 21. If you can't generate it, buy it.
A) Merchant Approach
B) Acceptability
C) Feasibility
  • 22. Accidental sources, chanced, occurrences, emergent ideas.
A) Informal Approach
B) Formal Approach
  • 23. A deliberate effort designed to encourage innovative ideas
A) Informal Approach
B) Formal Approach
  • 24. What is a successful Product innovation?
    A. Impact on customers
    B. Positive Impacts
    C. Impact on Firm
    D. Impact on Society
A) A B and D
B) A B C only
C) A, C and D only
D) A B C and D
  • 25. Innovation Failed because___?
A) Changes of consumers Preferences
B) Product was poorly marketed
C) Dissatisfied customers
  • 26. For an Innovation Failure process, which of these Apple's digital Assistance device
    products failed due to high cost but poor/lack of performance and imperfections?
A) ipad 10th generation
B) ipad pro
C) Ipad Air
D) Apple Message Pad
  • 27. A means to sustainable competitive advantage.
A) Diffusion Innovation
B) Diffusion
C) Innovation
  • 28. Which of the following is an external challenge
A) Rising operation costs
B) structural Impediment
C) Financial constraint
D) Ecological concerns and disasters
  • 29. Which of the following is an internal challenge
A) Lack of skilled people
B) Changing consumer's preferences
C) Rapid changes
D) Slow industry growth
  • 30. A means to find solutions to organizational and competitive challenges.
A) Innovation
B) Product Development
C) Idea Generation
D) Invention
  • 31. It is a means to create new markets
A) Invention
B) Innovation
  • 32. Modifying attributes of an existing product, service or process(Chemical Mixtures).
A) Incremental innovations
B) Radical Innovations
C) Cosmetic Innovation
  • 33. Its example is wireless computers/gadgets cause to breakaway hardware
    connectors/adopters to breakaway from traditions
A) Cosmetics Innovations
B) Radical Innovations
C) Incremental Innovations
  • 34. Augmenting the attributes of an existing product, service or process
A) Radical Innovations
B) Innovation
C) Incremental Innovations
D) Cosmetics Innovations
  • 35. Which of these describes the process of innovation?
    A. New ways to achieve an existing or new goal
    B. Finding new ways to reduce costs, speed-up check-ins, eliminates delays
    C. Product Development
    D. Outsourcing Call centers
    E. Offshoring
A) A B and C only
B) A B C and D only
C) A, B D and E only
  • 36. Not all innovations are inventions.
A) False
B) True
  • 37. The quality of being new which is a necessary attribute of innovation.
A) Branding
B) Novelty
C) Invention
  • 38. A new idea, practice, process, product or service that benefits an individual, group
    or society.
A) Creativity
B) Ideation
C) Innovation
D) Launching
  • 39. A marketing Strategy that defines your product's value and uniqueness in the
A) Product
B) Product Positioning
C) Strategy
  • 40. Aggregating prospective buyers into groups or segments with common needs and
    who respond similarly to a marketing action
A) Product service
B) Segment
C) Test Marketing
D) Market Segmentation
  • 41. Which Marketing Focus should be considered in Product Innovation?
    A. Market Segmentation
    B. Technology Acquisition
    C. Brand Loyalty
    D. Core Technology
    E. Captive Market
A) A B C D and E only
B) A B and C only
C) A, C and E only
  • 42. Which of these belong to Product Innovation with Technology?
A) Derivative Technology
B) Captive Market
C) Segmentation
D) Brand Loyalty
  • 43. Which of these is a dimension of Service Quality?
A) Perceived Quality
B) Performance
C) Courtesy
D) Features
  • 44. Which does not belong to dimensions of Product Quality?
A) Price
B) Conformance
C) Reliability
D) Aesthetics
  • 45. ___Which of the following qualities lead to Total Quality Customer Satisfaction?
    A. Product innovation
    B. Satisfaction and Loyalty
    C. Product Service
    D. Product Quality
A) A B and C only
B) A B C and D
C) A, C and D only
  • 46. Putting a message on packaging costs significantly less than newspaper, TV,
    or Internet advertising.
A) True
B) False
  • 47. Visually appealing packaging can provoke impulse buying
  • 48. Studies show impulse shoppers respond highly to packaging visuals.
  • 49. 70% to 80% of all purchasing decisions are made inside the store because of
    product appearance (product packaging).
  • 50. Coca-cola company once accounted 80% of sales cost failure of its innovation.
    Which means___?
A) Innovations do guarantee a sales growth
B) Innovations is not costly to a company
C) Not all innovations leads to success or a failure
  • 51. Which benefits that multi-packaging of product can offer to consumers?
A) Lower Unit cost
B) Higher price cost
C) Higher unit cost
  • 52. Which benefits that multi-packaging of product can offer to consumers?
A) Cost-savings to customers/consumers
B) higher unit cost
C) High Price value
  • 53. Which factor affects consumers in the adoption of newly developed (innovated)
A) Trends and expectations
B) Needs and Wants
C) Education Degree
D) Belief and Attitude
  • 54. Which of the following mistakes can lead to unreasonable costs/spending in
A) imitation
B) Aboveboard packaging
C) Using excess packaging
  • 55. It can increase costs and consequently the price of the product
A) Product Labels
B) Product packaging
C) Product Features
  • 56. It gives personality to the product
A) Product features
B) Product packaging
C) Product Labels
  • 57. Which of these is true about product packaging?
    A. It could serve as promotional tool
    B. Serves to differentiate a product from rival products
    C. To flaunt a firm's green credentials
    D. Promotes Sales
A) A, B and C only
B) A B and D only
C) A B C and D
D) A B C D
  • 58. Consumers want to be confident that the package is safe and protects the product
    contents and environmentally sustainable.
A) Preservation
B) Safety
C) Perceived risks
D) Portability
  • 59. Which of these are Product packaging features? A. Pictures
    B. Price
    C. Colors and size
    D. Shape and weight
    E. Information Labels
A) A B C and E only
B) A B C and D
C) A, C, D and E only
  • 60. The outward tangible elements of a product
A) Product Packaging
B) Product Features
C) Product labels
  • 61. Adoption of innovation is influenced by____?
    A. Threat and Growth Delay
    B. Consumer
    C. Product
    D. Messenger/courier
    E. Message
A) A B C and D only
B) A, B, C, D and E
C) B, C, D and E only
  • 62. Why innovations fail?
    A. Product has glitches
    B. Consumers were not ready for such innovations
    C. High cost
    D. It didn't meet the consumers expectations for total quality
    E. Lack of Quality Product
A) A, B, D and E only
B) A B C D only
C) B C D and E only
  • 63. A means to sustainable competitive advantage
A) Innovation
B) Product Development
C) Invention
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