Jesus' humanity and submission to the Father's will
  • 1. What is a key moment illustrating Jesus' humanity in the New Testament?
A) His baptism
B) His resurrection
C) His transfiguration
D) His time in the Garden of Gethsemane
  • 2. Why did Jesus weep at Lazarus' tomb?
A) He was happy
B) He was angry
C) He wanted to show off
D) He experienced human grief
  • 3. What title often emphasizes Jesus' humanity?
A) Light of the World
B) Son of God
C) Son of Man
D) King of Kings
  • 4. What does Philippians 2:7 say about Jesus?
A) He was born in a palace
B) He became a king
C) He ruled with power
D) He took the form of a servant
  • 5. Who did Jesus refer to as 'Father' in the Gospels?
A) God
B) Abraham
C) Joseph
D) Moses
  • 6. What phrase did Jesus use to indicate His obedience to God?
A) I will do as I please
B) I am the way
C) Not my will, but Yours
D) Let them come to me
  • 7. What is the main message of the incarnation?
A) God avoided humans
B) God took a vacation
C) God became fully human
D) God became a warrior
  • 8. What does Matthew 4:1-11 detail?
A) The parables of Jesus
B) The temptation of Jesus
C) The birth of Jesus
D) The resurrection
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