A) His baptism B) His resurrection C) His transfiguration D) His time in the Garden of Gethsemane
A) He was happy B) He was angry C) He wanted to show off D) He experienced human grief
A) Light of the World B) Son of God C) Son of Man D) King of Kings
A) He was born in a palace B) He became a king C) He ruled with power D) He took the form of a servant
A) God B) Abraham C) Joseph D) Moses
A) I will do as I please B) I am the way C) Not my will, but Yours D) Let them come to me
A) God avoided humans B) God took a vacation C) God became fully human D) God became a warrior
A) The parables of Jesus B) The temptation of Jesus C) The birth of Jesus D) The resurrection |