Factoring out a GCF and Difference of Squares
The greatest common factor, or GCF, of an algebraic expression, is the greatest monomial that can divide evenly into allterms of the expression. 
For example, the GCF of 30x2y + 20y is 10y.
What is the GCF of this binomial?
2x2 - 12
Hint: Sometimes the GCF will have a coefficient AND
a variable!
What is the GCF of this binomial?
4x2 - 16x
What is the GCF of this trinomial?
15x2y - 5xy - 10y
What is the GCF of this trinomial?
8x2 - 4x - 20
What is the GCF of this trinomial?
15x3 - 9x2 - 3x
What goes outside the parenthesis when factoring 15x – 25?
15x - 25 =
(3x - 5 )
Factor 2x2 + 36x by factoring out the GCF.
2x2 + 36x =
( x + 18 )
Factoring the Difference of Perfect Squares
a2 – b2 is a special product binomial. 
It can be classified as the "difference of perfect squares"
a2 – b2 factors into:  (a – b)(a + b)
4x2 - 9 = (      - 3 ) ( 2x + 3 )
Fill in the missing term.
x2 - 16 = ( x - 4 ) ( x +        )
Fill in the missing term.
x2 - 121 = ( x -       ) ( x +       )
Fill in the missing term.
9x2 - 25 = (      -      ) (      +      )
Fill in the missing terms.
x2y2 - 100 = (        -  10 ) (        +        )
Fill in the missing terms.
Factor the expression.
49x2 - 25y2
(​7x – 5y)(7x – 5y)
(7x – 5)(7x + 5)
(​7x – 5y)(7x + 5y)
can not be factored
Factor the expression.
x2 + 9y2
(x + 3y)(x – 3y)
(x – 3y)(x + 3y)
(x – 3y)(x – 3y)
can not be factored
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Factoring the Difference of Perfect Squares
a2 – b2 is a special product binomial. 
It can be classified as the "difference of perfect squares"
a2 – b2 factors into:  (a – b)(a + b)
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