Russian Revolution
  • 1. When did the Russian Revolution begin?
A) 1905
B) 1920
C) 1917
D) 1941
  • 2. Who led the Bolshevik Party during the October Revolution?
A) Vladimir Lenin
B) Joseph Stalin
C) Leon Trotsky
D) Nicholas II
  • 3. Which slogan was popularized by the Bolsheviks during the revolution?
A) Liberty, Equality, Fraternity
B) Workers of the World, Unite
C) Peace, Land, Bread
D) Power to the People
  • 4. What was the name of the Bolshevik secret police under Lenin's rule?
B) Cheka
  • 5. Which treaty ended Russia's participation in World War I?
A) Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact
B) Treaty of Trianon
C) Treaty of Versailles
D) Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
  • 6. Who was the last tsar of Russia before the revolution?
A) Alexander II
B) Alexander III
C) Kaiser Wilhelm II
D) Nicholas II
  • 7. Which party emerged as the primary ruling authority in Russia after the revolution?
A) Bolshevik Party
B) Menshevik Party
C) White Party
D) Kadet Party
  • 8. What was the name of the provisional government established after the February Revolution?
A) State Duma
B) Provisional Council of Ministers
C) Russian Provisional Government
D) Soviet of Workers' Deputies
  • 9. Who coined the term 'dictatorship of the proletariat'?
A) Vladimir Lenin
B) Joseph Stalin
C) Karl Marx
D) Leon Trotsky
  • 10. Which political ideology played a significant role in the Russian Revolution?
A) Fascism
B) Conservatism
C) Marxism
D) Libertarianism
  • 11. Who was the leader of the Menshevik Party during the revolution?
A) Georgy Plekhanov
B) Julius Martov
C) Leon Trotsky
D) Viktor Chernov
  • 12. Who was the leader of the Red Army during the Civil War?
A) Nikolai Bukharin
B) Joseph Stalin
C) Leon Trotsky
D) Lavrentiy Beria
  • 13. What did the Bolsheviks rename themselves during the revolution?
A) Workers' Party
B) Socialist Party
C) Peasant Party
D) Communist Party
  • 14. Which city served as the capital of Russia during the revolution?
A) Moscow
B) Petrograd
C) Stalingrad
D) Kiev
  • 15. What was the name given to the armed workers' councils that emerged during the revolution?
A) Dumas
B) Zemstvos
C) Soviets
D) Okhrana
  • 16. Who was the leading political figure of the White movement during the Civil War?
A) Pavel Milyukov
B) Anton Denikin
C) Boris Savinkov
D) Alexander Kolchak
  • 17. Which Bolshevik leader established the first concentration camps during the civil war?
A) Vyacheslav Molotov
B) Georgy Malenkov
C) Felix Dzerzhinsky
D) Andrei Vyshinsky
  • 18. Who was the leading Bolshevik after Lenin's death?
A) Joseph Stalin
B) Leon Trotsky
C) Nikolai Bukharin
D) Grigory Zinoviev
  • 19. What was the official ideology of the Soviet Union during Stalin's rule?
A) Maoism
B) Stalinism
C) Marxism-Leninism
D) Trotskyism
  • 20. What was the Red Army's opponent in the Russian Civil War that followed the Revolution?
A) Blue Army
B) White Army
C) Black Army
D) Green Army
  • 21. Which event marked the overthrow of the provisional government in Russia?
A) February Revolution
B) October Revolution
C) Kronstadt Rebellion
D) Bolshevik Coup
  • 22. Which famous battleship mutiny occurred in 1905, sparking unrest leading to the Revolution?
A) Red October
B) Potemkin
C) Baltic Fleet
D) Aurora
  • 23. What famous prison was stormed during the October Revolution?
A) Alcatraz
B) Winter Palace
C) Tower of London
D) Peter and Paul Fortress
  • 24. Which event directly preceded the outbreak of the Russian Revolution in 1917?
A) October Revolution
B) February Revolution
C) Petrograd Massacre
D) Bolshevik Coup
  • 25. Where was the last Tsar, Nicholas II, and his family executed in 1918?
A) Stalingrad
B) Yekaterinburg
C) Moscow
D) Leningrad
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