Gaius Marius
  • 1. What was Gaius Marius known for in Ancient Rome?
A) Engineering projects
B) Philosophical writings
C) Artistic achievements
D) Military reforms
  • 2. Which conflict did Gaius Marius play a significant role in?
A) Jugurthine War
B) Punic Wars
C) Social War
D) Gallic Wars
  • 3. Which title did Gaius Marius hold seven times in his career?
A) Consul
B) Aedile
C) Praetor
D) Censor
  • 4. Where was Gaius Marius born?
A) Gaul
B) Arpinum
C) Carthage
D) Rome
  • 5. Gaius Marius was married to which woman known for her beauty and influence?
A) Livia
B) Julia
C) Berenice
D) Cleopatra
  • 6. During which century did Gaius Marius live?
A) 3rd BC
B) 2nd BC
C) 4th AD
D) 1st AD
  • 7. Gaius Marius was a member of which Roman social class?
A) Patrician
B) Slaves
C) Equestrian
D) Plebeian
  • 8. What was the name of Gaius Marius' distinguished nephew and heir?
A) Marcus Marius
B) Titus Marius
C) Lucius Marius
D) Gaius Marius the Younger
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