The Sword in the Stone
  • 1. What type of genre is this reading selection?
A) historical fiction
B) legend
C) biography
D) fable
  • 2. Arthur was responsible for taking care of all the following EXCEPT---
A) the metal clothing
B) the horses
C) the castle
D) the weapons
  • 3. What did Arthur want to be when he grew up?
A) a painter
B) a writer
C) a knight
D) a king
  • 4. Where was the legendary stone?
A) in the castle
B) in the churchyard
C) in the lake
D) in the woods
  • 5. In paragraph 5, Arthur spoke in a whisper because he was MOST LIKELY afraid that he ____
A) broke the sword
B) stole the sword
C) failed Sir Harry
D) woke up Sir Harry
  • 6. Where was the tournament being held?
A) the church
B) London
C) the tent
D) Sir Harry's castle
  • 7. Who was Sir Harry?
A) Arthur's teacher
B) the King of England
C) Arthur's father
D) an older boy
  • 8. What was supposed to happen to the person who pulled the sword from the stone?
A) He’d be a knight.
B) He’d become king.
C) He’d marry the beautiful princess.
D) He’d become rich.
  • 9. What did the sword do when Arthur pulled it from the stone?
A) cried out for Arthur to put it back
B) made a ringing sound
C) broke into two pieces
D) flew from his hands
  • 10. In which paragraph does the reader learn that Arthur may have been a real
A) 1
B) 4
C) 5
D) 2
  • 11. In paragraph 2, “weapons” are used ____
A) for cooking
B) for fighting
C) for traveling
D) in caring for horses
  • 12. According to the first sentence in paragraph 5, how did Sir Harry feel when he saw Arthur with the sword?
A) angry
B) happy
C) amazed
D) sad
  • 13. In paragraph 3, a “tournament” means ____
A) a meeting to choose the next king
B) a long journey
C) a knight’s wedding
D) an event to hold special games
  • 14. "The sword was waiting for someone who was not only brave and strong, but also..."
    What figurative language is this an example of?
A) alliteration
B) a metaphor
C) a simile
D) personification
  • 15. A knight’s job was ____
A) to pick up after the royal family and clean the castle
B) to answer the door and greet all visitors
C) to keep the lord of the castle and people who lived around it safe
D) to cook dinner and serve it to the king
  • 16. All of the following statements are true EXCEPT ____
A) Knights had to learn to read and write.
B) A knight's most important tool was his sword.
C) Knights were very skilled soldiers.
D) It took just a few years to become a knight.
  • 17. What is the MOST LIKELY reason that Sir Harry stopped at the church?
A) He wanted to pray before the tournament.
B) He wanted to show Arthur the special sword.
C) He wanted to see if Arthur could pull the sword from the stone.
D) He wanted to make sure the sword was still in the stone.
  • 18. Which sentence lets the reader know that Sir Harry had tried to pull the sword from the stone, but he was unsuccessful?
A) In the churchyard, Sir Harry showed Arthur a sword stuck in a stone.
B) Sir Harry was no different.
C) But no one had been able to do so.
D) For years and years, men had come and tried to pull the sword from the stone.
  • 19. What is the MOST LIKELY reason that Sir Harry bowed down and knelt before Arthur?
A) He needed to tell Arthur that he accepted his apology.
B) He needed to wipe Arthur's tears.
C) He needed to make Arthur feel better about forgetting his sword.
D) He realized that Arthur was the future king of England.
  • 20. Which adjectives are used in the story to describe BOTH Sir Harry and Arthur?
A) strong and brave
B) honest and kind
C) kind and strong
D) brave and kind
  • 21. What is the setting of the story?
    Be sure to tell WHERE and WHEN.
  • 22. “The sword was waiting for someone who was not only brave and strong, but also ____
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