Richard I in 3rd Crusade
  • 1. When did the 3rd Crusade take place?
A) 1453-1456
B) 1248-1254
C) 1189-1192
D) 1096-1099
  • 2. Which European kingdom did Richard I rule during the 3rd Crusade?
A) England
B) France
C) Spain
D) Germany
  • 3. Which city did Richard I recapture from Saladin in 1191?
A) Acre
B) Mecca
C) Jerusalem
D) Damascus
  • 4. In what year did Richard I die?
A) 1199
B) 1220
C) 1215
D) 1204
  • 5. Which famous medieval chronicler chronicled the events of the 3rd Crusade?
A) Geoffrey Chaucer
B) Richard of Devizes
C) Giovanni Boccaccio
D) William Shakespeare
  • 6. In what year did Richard I succeed to the throne of England?
A) 1166
B) 1203
C) 1222
D) 1189
  • 7. Which Pope called for the 3rd Crusade?
A) Pope Urban II
B) Pope Alexander III
C) Pope Gregory VIII
D) Pope Innocent III
  • 8. What was the reconquest of Acre known as during the 3rd Crusade?
A) Siege of Jerusalem
B) Siege of Acre
C) Battle of Arsuf
D) Capture of Damascus
  • 9. Which region was Richard I not able to reconquer during the 3rd Crusade?
A) Jerusalem
B) Jaffa
C) Outremer
D) Acre
  • 10. Who was crowned King of England while Richard I was on crusade?
A) Philip
B) John
C) Henry
D) Edward
  • 11. Which English chronicler referred to Richard I as 'the lion by prowess'?
A) Matthew Paris
B) William of Newburgh
C) Gerald of Wales
D) Roger of Hoveden
  • 12. Where was Richard I captured on his return journey from the 3rd Crusade?
A) Italy
B) Germany
C) France
D) Austria
  • 13. When did Richard I rule as the King of England?
A) 1100-1154
B) 1066-1087
C) 1189-1199
D) 1216-1272
  • 14. Which Crusade was Richard I part of?
A) 1st Crusade
B) 3rd Crusade
C) 4th Crusade
D) Children's Crusade
  • 15. What famous English document was issued during Richard I's reign?
A) Magna Carta
B) Bill of Rights
C) Glorious Revolution
D) Declaration of Independence
  • 16. Which English monarch was Richard I's father?
A) William the Conqueror
B) Edward I
C) Henry V
D) Henry II
  • 17. Which historical figure served as Richard I's chief adversary during the 3rd Crusade?
A) Saladin
B) Genghis Khan
C) Ivan the Terrible
D) Attila the Hun
  • 18. Which historical text gives a detailed account of Richard I's exploits in the 3rd Crusade?
A) The Canterbury Tales
B) Divine Comedy
C) Itinerarium Regis Ricardi
D) The Art of War
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