Ch. 10 Special Senses
__1. -cusisA. out; outside
__2. -ectomyB. not; without
__3. a-, an-C. inward
__4. ec-D. outward
__5. en-E. in;within
__6. eso-F. above; above normal; excessive
__7. exo-G. hearing
__8. hyper-H. in; within
__9. hypo-I. below; below normal; deficient
__10. intra-J. surgical removal
__11. --scopyA. feeling; sensation
__12. -esthesiaB. process; condition
__13. -ismC. process of measuring
__14. -metryD. tumor; mass
__15. -omaE. vision condition
__16. -opiaF. visual examination using a scope
__17. -otiaG. hearing condition
__18. -plastyH. surgical repair
__19. -ptosisI. droop; sag; prolapse; protrude
__20. -sclerosisJ. hardening; thickening
__21. -tomyA. process of cutting; incision
__22. -tropiaB. to turn
__23. acous/oC. dull;dim
__24. ambly/oD. eyelid
__25. blephar/oE. hearing
__26. cor/o; core/oF. pupil
__27. corne/oG. cornea
__28. dacry/oH. double
__29. dipl/oI. tear
__30. glauc/oJ. gray
__31. gustat/oA. smaller; less
__32. mi/oB. taste
__33. mydr/oC. widened; enlarged
__34. myring/oD. tympanic membrane; eardrum
__35. nyct/oE. eye
__36. ocul/oF. night
__37. ot/oG. ear
__38. papill/oH. optic disc; nipple-like
__39. phac/o; phak/oI. lens of the eye
__40. presby/oJ. old age
__41. olfact/oA. darkness
__42. osmia-B. sebum; fat
__43. salping/oC. Eustachian tube; fallopian tube
__44. scot/oD. point
__45. steat/oE. smell
__46. stigmat/oF. smell condition
__47. vitre/oG. glassy
__48. vitro/oH. vitreous body
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