Augustus Caesar
  • 1. Who was Augustus Caesar's predecessor as the first Roman emperor?
A) Caligula
B) Nero
C) Julius Caesar
D) Mark Antony
  • 2. What was Augustus Caesar's birth name?
A) Julius Caesar
B) Marcus Aurelius
C) Nero Claudius
D) Gaius Octavius
  • 3. Which title did Augustus Caesar assume that helped consolidate his power in Rome?
A) Consul
B) Tribune
C) Princeps
D) Pontifex Maximus
  • 4. Augustus Caesar's wife, Livia Drusilla, was also known by what title?
A) Empress
B) Praetor
C) Vestal Virgin
D) Augusta
  • 5. During his reign, Augustus Caesar inaugurated a period known as the:
A) Pax Romana
B) Social War
C) Triumvirate
D) Punic Wars
  • 6. In which city did Augustus Caesar die in AD 14?
A) Athens
B) Alexandria
C) Rome
D) Nola
  • 7. What famous Roman poet was a contemporary of Augustus Caesar and wrote about him in his works?
A) Horace
B) Ovid
C) Livy
D) Virgil
  • 8. Which military opponent did Augustus defeat in the Battle of Actium in 31 BC?
A) Hannibal
B) Mark Antony
C) Vercingetorix
D) Spartacus
  • 9. Augustus Caesar claimed to have restored the Roman Republic, but in reality, he held supreme power as a:
A) Praetor
B) Tribune
C) Dictator
D) Consul
  • 10. Augustus Caesar was a member of which Roman political faction that opposed Julius Caesar?
A) Optimates
B) Julians
C) Gracchians
D) Populares
  • 11. What was the name of the political alliance between Augustus Caesar, Mark Antony, and Lepidus?
A) First Triumvirate
B) Tetrarchy
C) Concordat of Worms
D) Second Triumvirate
  • 12. In what year did Augustus Caesar receive the title of 'Father of the Country'?
A) 133 BC
B) 2 BC
C) 1010 AD
D) 367 AD
  • 13. Augustus Caesar famously proclaimed that he had found Rome a city of brick and left it a city of:
A) Bronze
B) Gold
C) Marble
D) Silver
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