  • 1. In which holy book is Satan mentioned as a tempter?
A) Torah
B) Bible
C) Quran
D) Gita
  • 2. Which famous epic poem by John Milton details the fall of Satan?
A) Divine Comedy
B) Paradise Lost
C) Faust
D) Inferno
  • 3. Satan is often associated with the color ________.
A) Red
B) Green
C) Black
D) Blue
  • 4. In Jewish tradition, who is known as the Adversary?
A) Moses
B) Satan
C) David
D) Solomon
  • 5. Who is said to have rebuked Satan with the words 'Get behind me, Satan!'?
A) Peter
B) Jesus
C) John the Baptist
D) Paul
  • 6. In Islamic tradition, what is the name of Satan?
A) Iblis
B) Zahhak
C) Jinn
D) Azazel
  • 7. Which artist painted 'The Fall of the Rebel Angels' depicting Satan's fall?
A) Pieter Bruegel the Elder
B) Leonardo da Vinci
C) Vincent van Gogh
D) Pablo Picasso
  • 8. What is the name of Satan's kingdom in John Milton's 'Paradise Lost'?
A) Hades
B) Pandemonium
C) Abyss
D) Eden
  • 9. According to the Bible, what was Satan's original name before his fall?
A) Gabriel
B) Lucifer
C) Michael
D) Raphael
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