Start of American Civil War
  • 1. When did the American Civil War start?
A) 1848
B) 1876
C) 1861
D) 1865
  • 2. What was the name of the President of the Confederate States of America at the start of the Civil War?
A) Abraham Lincoln
B) Andrew Jackson
C) Jefferson Davis
D) Thomas Jefferson
  • 3. Which U.S. state was the first to secede from the Union?
A) South Carolina
B) Virginia
C) Georgia
D) Texas
  • 4. What was the primary cause of the American Civil War?
A) Social Inequality
B) States' Rights
C) Slavery
D) Economic Differences
  • 5. Which document formally abolished slavery in the United States during the Civil War?
A) Declaration of Independence
B) Gettysburg Address
C) Emancipation Proclamation
D) Bill of Rights
  • 6. What was the bloodiest battle of the Civil War in terms of casualties?
A) Battle of Bull Run
B) Battle of Shiloh
C) Battle of Gettysburg
D) Battle of Antietam
  • 7. What event marked the official end of the American Civil War?
A) Assassination of Abraham Lincoln
B) Ratification of the 13th Amendment
C) Signing of the Treaty of Ghent
D) Surrender at Appomattox Court House
  • 8. Who was the President of the United States at the start of the Civil War?
A) Ulysses S. Grant
B) Abraham Lincoln
C) James Buchanan
D) Andrew Johnson
  • 9. Which side had a stronger navy at the beginning of the Civil War?
A) Confederacy
B) Cannot be determined
C) Both sides were equal
D) Union
  • 10. Who was the vice president of the Confederate States of America at the start of the Civil War?
A) P.G.T. Beauregard
B) Stonewall Jackson
C) Alexander H. Stephens
D) John C. Breckinridge
  • 11. What was the name of the famous ironclad warship that fought in the Battle of Hampton Roads?
A) USS Constitution
B) USS Arizona
C) USS Monitor
D) USS Merrimack
  • 12. Which battle is considered the turning point of the Civil War in the West?
A) Battle of Atlanta
B) Battle of Vicksburg
C) Battle of Shiloh
D) Battle of Chattanooga
  • 13. Which Confederate general is often associated with the Battle of Chancellorsville?
A) James Longstreet
B) Jeb Stuart
C) Stonewall Jackson
D) Robert E. Lee
  • 14. Who was the Confederate General who led the Army of Northern Virginia?
A) Thomas Stonewall Jackson
B) Ulysses S. Grant
C) Robert E. Lee
D) William Tecumseh Sherman
  • 15. Which battle marked the first major attempt to invade the North by the Confederacy?
A) Gettysburg
B) Antietam
C) Vicksburg
D) Bull Run
  • 16. Which Union General led the March to the Sea through Georgia?
A) Joseph Hooker
B) Ambrose Burnside
C) William Tecumseh Sherman
D) George McClellan
  • 17. Which Union General led the successful siege of Vicksburg in 1863?
A) Ulysses S. Grant
B) Joseph Hooker
C) William Tecumseh Sherman
D) George McClellan
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