• 1. - Buenos días, se escribe:
A) Good morning
B) Good evening
C) Good afternoon
  • 2. Buenas tardes, se escribe:
A) Good evening
B) Good morning
C) Good afternoon
  • 3. Buenas noches, se escribe:
A) Good evening
B) Good morning
C) Good afternoon
  • 4. ¡Adios!, se escribe:
A) Good afternoon
B) Good bye
C) Good morning
  • 5. Hasta pronto! se escribe:
A) See you later!
B) See you soon!
C) See you tomorrow!
  • 6. ¡Qué pases un lindo día! se escribe
A) Good bye
B) Good morning
C) Have a nice day!
  • 7. ¡Hola! se escribe
A) Hello
B) Good bye
C) Bye
  • 8. Cuál es tu nombre, se escribe:
A) What is your address?
B) How old are you?
C) What is your name?
  • 9. ¿De dónde eres? se escribe:
A) Where are you from?
B) What is your address?
C) How old are you?
  • 10. ¿Dónde usted/ tu vive/s? se escribe:
A) What is your address?
B) Where do you live?
C) Where are you from?
  • 11. Si quiero preguntar ¿Cuál es el nombre de ella? La manera correcta es:
A) What’s his name?
B) What’s your name?
C) What’s her name?
  • 12. Para responder a esta pregunta, ¿What’s your name? la forma correcta es:
A) Their names are
B) His name is
C) My name is
  • 13. Para responder a esta pregunta, What’s her name? la forma correcta es:
A) Their names are
B) His name is
C) Her name is
  • 14. Para decir (yo soy Dominicano), lo escribo:
A) They are Dominican
B) I am Dominican
C) He is Dominican
  • 15. Para decir (yo no soy Dominicano), lo escribo
A) I am not Dominican
B) He is not Dominican
C) They are not Dominican
  • 16. Para preguntar ¿Eres de los Estados Unidos? lo escribo:
A) You are from the United State
B) Are you from the United State?
C) I am not from the United State
  • 17. Who is Teresa? Teresa is my friend. ____ is a teacher.
A) He
B) We
C) She
  • 18. Who is this man? This is Manuel. ____ is my teacher.
A) We
B) He
C) She
  • 19. Do you know Domingo?
A) Yes, I know him
B) Yes, I know he
C) Yes, I know them
  • 20. Los números 5, 8, 12 ,15 y 20 se escriben:
A) Five, eighty, twelve, fifteen and twenty
B) Five, eight, twelve, fifteen and twenty
C) Five, eighteen, twelve, fifteen and twenty
  • 21. para decir (yo tengo un cuaderno), se escribe:
A) I have a notebook
B) I have many notebooks
C) I have an notebook
  • 22. para decir (ella tiene una sombrilla), se escribe:
A) She has a umbrella
B) She has an umbrella
C) She has many umbrellas
  • 23. Si quiero preguntar ¿Cómo tú deletreas el nombre de ella en inglés? La manera correcta es:
A) How do spell his name in English?
B) How do you spell her name in English?
C) How do you spell she name in English?
  • 24. Si quiero preguntar ¿Cómo tú dices lápiz en inglés? La manera correcta es:
A) How do you say pencil in English?
B) How do they say pencil in English?
C) How does you say pencil in English?
  • 25. Si quiero preguntar ¿Qué tú estás haciendo? La manera correcta es:
A) What are you doing?
B) What you are doing?
C) What is you doing?
  • 26. Para responder ¿Él está estudiando) La manera correcta es:
A) He is studyng
B) He is studing
C) He is studying
  • 27. Para preguntar ¿Está ella escribiendo? La manera correcta es:
A) She is writing
B) Is she writing?
C) Does she writing
  • 28. Para responder (Sí, ella lo está; No, ella no lo está) La manera correcta es:
A) Yes, she is; No she isn’t
B) Yes, she isn’t; No she is
C) Yes, he is; No she isn’t
  • 29. Si quiero preguntar ¿Te gustas ver muñequitos en la tv? La manera correcta es:
A) Does you like to watch cartoons on the tv?
B) Do you like to watch cartoons on the tv?
C) You like to watch cartoons on the tv?
  • 30. Si quiero preguntar ¿Cuál es tu color favorito? La manera correcta es:
A) What is your color favorite?
B) What are your favorite color?
C) What is your favorite color?
  • 31. Si quiero responder (Mis colores favoritos son: Amarillo, azul, verde, rojo, blanco y negro) La manera correcta es:
A) My favorite colors are: yellow, blue, red, white and black
B) My favorite colors are: yellow, blue, green, red, white and black
C) My favorite colors is: yellow, green, red, white and black?
  • 32. Si quiero preguntar ¿Cuál es tu ocupación? La manera correcta es:
A) What is his occupation?
B) What is your occupation?
C) What your occupation?
  • 33. Si quiero responder (yo soy estudiante, abogado, ama de casa, conserje, secretaria, maestra, dentista y cocinero): La manera correcta es:
A) I am student, lawyer, housewife, janitor, secretary, teacher, dentist and cook
B) She is student, lawyer, housewife, janitor, secretary, teacher, dentist and cook
C) He is student, lawyer, housewife, janitor, secretary, teacher, dentist and cook
  • 34. Si quiero preguntar ¿Dónde trabaja él? La manera correcta es:
A) Where does he work?
B) Where does you work?
C) Where do we work?
  • 35. Si quiero responder (Él trabaja en la escuela, casa, oficina, cocina, librería): La manera correcta es:
A) They work in the school, house, office, kitchen, library
B) He work in the school, house, office, kitchen, library
C) He works in the school, house, office, kitchen, library
  • 36. Si quiero preguntar ¿Qué es esto? La manera correcta es:
A) What’s that?
B) What’s these?
C) What’s this?
  • 37. Si quiero responder ¿Esto es un lápiz? La manera correcta es:
A) This is an pencil
B) This is a pencil
C) That is a pencil
  • 38. Si quiero preguntar ¿Qué es eso? La manera correcta es:
A) What’s those?
B) What’s this?
C) What’s that?
  • 39. Si quiero responder ¿Eso es un cuaderno? La manera correcta es:
A) That is a notebook
B) This is a notebook
C) That is an notebook
  • 40. Where is the ball?
A) The ball is behind the box
B) The ball is in the box
C) The ball is on the box
  • 41. Where is the ball?
A) The ball is in the box
B) The ball is on the box
C) The ball is under the box
  • 42. Where is the ball?
A) The ball is on the box
B) The ball is in the box
C) The ball is under the box
  • 43. Where is the ball?
A) The ball is in the box
B) The ball is under the box
C) The ball is next to the box
  • 44. Where is the ball?
A) The ball is under the box
B) The ball is on the box
C) The ball is in front of the box
  • 45. Where is the ball?
A) The ball is between the boxes
B) The ball is on the boxes
C) The ball is under the boxes
  • 46. What time is it?
A) It is ten fifteen
B) It is ten thirteen
C) It is three fifty
  • 47. What time is it?
A) It is eleven o’ clock
B) It is eleven fifty five
C) It is eleven fifty
  • 48. Para decir (Hay dos lápices en la mochila). La manera correcta es:
A) There are two pencils in the backpack
B) There were two pencils in the backpack
C) There is two pencils in the backpack
  • 49. Para decir (Hay un lápiz en la mochila). La manera correcta es:
A) There is one pencils in the backpack
B) There are one pencils in the backpack
C) There is one pencil in the backpack
  • 50. Para decir (El escritorio es más grande que la silla). La manera correcta es:
A) The desk is biger than the chair
B) The desk is more big than the chair
C) The desk is bigger than the chair
  • 51. Para decir (Luisa es la estudiante más inteligente en la clase). La manera correcta es:
A) Luisa is intelligent student in class
B) Luisa is the more intelligent student in class
C) Luisa is the most intelligent student in class
  • 52. Si quiero preguntar ¿Qué tú vas hacer mañana? La manera correcta es:
A) What you are going to do tomorrow?
B) What are you go to do tomorrow?
C) What are you going to do tomorrow?
  • 53. Si quiero preguntar ¿Fuiste a la escuela ayer? La manera correcta es:
A) Did you going to the school yesterday?
B) Did you go to the school yesterday?
C) Did you went to the school yesterday?
  • 54. Si quiero respondes (No, no fui a la escuela) La manera correcta es:
A) No, I didn’t go to the school
B) No, I did go to the school
C) No, I didn’t went to the school
  • 55. Si quiero preguntar ¿Cuánto dinero tienes? La manera correcta es:
A) How much money do you have?
B) How many money do you have?
C) How much money does you have?
  • 56. Si quiero preguntar ¿Cuánto cuestan las papas? La manera correcta es:
A) How much are the potatoes?
B) How many are the potatoes?
C) How much is the potatoes?
  • 57. Si quiero preguntar ¿Cuántos autos tienes? La manera correcta es:
A) How many cars do you have?
B) How many cars does you have?
C) How much cars do you have?
  • 58. Si quiero preguntar ¿Cuántos lápices tiene ella? La manera correcta es:
A) How many pencils does she have?
B) How much pencils does she have?
C) How many pencils does she has?
  • 59. Para responder a esta oración: He cleaned the kitchen _______
A) himself
B) herself
C) heself
  • 60. I did my homework all by _______.
A) meself
B) ouerselves
C) myself
  • 61. Para preguntar, en qué grado está y respondo estoy en sexto grado, la forma correcta es:
A) What grade are you in. I am in sixty grade
B) What grade are you in. I am in six grade
C) What grade are you in. I am in sixth grade
  • 62. Para preguntar, cuánto días tiene la semana y respondo siete días, la forma correcta es:
A) How many days does it have the week? Seven day
B) How many days does it have the week? Seventeen days
C) How many days does it have the week? Seventh days
  • 63. Si quiero decir, ella estaba en la escuela ayer, la manera correcta de decirlo es:
A) She was at the school yesterday
B) She is at the school
C) She were at the school yesterday
  • 64. Si quiero preguntar, ¿Hiciste la tarea? y respondo Si, la hice, la manera correcta de decirlo es:
A) Do you do the homework? Yes, I do it
B) Did you does the homework? Yes, I did it
C) Did you do the homework? Yes, I did it
  • 65. Lo opuesto de fuerte = strong alto = tall viejo = old haragán = lazy, contento = happy es:
A) Weak, short, young, hard-working and sick
B) Weak, short, young, hard-working and sad
C) Weak, short, young, hard-working and ill
  • 66. Si quiero decir, ella siempre va a la escuela bien vestida, la manera correcta es:
A) She sometimes goes to school well dressed
B) She always goes to school well dressed
C) She frequently goes to school well dressed
  • 67. Para decir, Él es más inteligente que ella; la manera correcta es:
A) He is more intelligent than her
B) He is very intelligent
C) She is the most intelligent than in class
  • 68. Si quiero decir, nosotros somos los mejores estudiantes en la escuela, la manera correcta es:
A) We are more students in the class
B) We are the best students in the class
C) We are better students in the class
  • 69. I am learning English at school, significa en español:
A) Aprendo inglés en la escuela
B) Voy aprender inglés en la escuela
C) Estoy aprendiendo inglés en la escuela
  • 70. The student can't find his pencil. He has lost his pencil, significa:
A) El estudiante no puede encontrar su lápiz. Él lo está perdiendo
B) El estudiante no puede encontrar su lápiz. Él ha perdido su lápiz
C) El estudiante no puede encontrar su lápiz. El no ha perdido su lápiz
  • 71. Would you like something to eat?' 'No, thanks. I've (I have) just had lunch, significa:
A) ¿Te gustaría algo para cenar?' 'No gracias. Acabo de cenar.
B) ¿Te gustaría algo para comer?' 'No gracias. Acabo de comer.
C) ¿Te gustaría algo para beber?' 'No gracias. Acabo de beber.
  • 72. Have you ever been to the hospital? Yes, I have been many times, significa:
A) ¿Has estado alguna vez en el hospital? Sí, he estadovariasveces
B) ¿Has estado alguna vez en el hospital? Si, fui una vez
C) ¿Has estado alguna vez en el hospital? Si, ayer fui
  • 73. The teacher is very tired. He has been working all day, significa:
A) El profesor está muy cansado. Ha estado trabajando duro por la mañana
B) El profesor está muy cansado. Ha estado trabajando todo el día
C) El profesor está muy cansado. No ha estado trabajando todo el día
  • 74. I used to go to the river when I was a child
A) Solía ir al río cuando tenía 12 años
B) Solía ir al río cuando era un niño
C) Solía ir al río cuando tenía 11 años
  • 75. If the students study, they will pass the exam, significa:
A) Si los estudiantes estudian, pueden pasar los exámenes
B) Si los estudiantes hacen la tarea, pasarán los exámenes
C) Si los estudiantes estudian, pasarán los exámenes
  • 76. Mary is ----------------to study English next year
A) Going
B) Will
C) Will to
  • 77. My father ---------------play baseball on Sunday.
A) Will is
B) Going to
C) Will
  • 78. The weather is very hot, it is:
A) Summer
B) Winter
C) Fall
  • 79. In winter the weather is very:
A) Rainy
B) Sunny
C) Cold
  • 80. January is the:
A) The first month of the year
B) The tenth month of the year
C) The third month of the year
  • 81. The third and the last day of week are:
A) Tuesday and Sunday
B) Wednesday and Thursday
C) Monday and Tuesday
  • 82. The first and the last month of the year are:
A) May and October
B) November and February
C) December and January
  • 83. the seasons of the year are:
A) spring, fall/autum, winter and December
B) November, winter, fall/autumn and spring
C) winter, autumn/fall, summer and spring
  • 84. in which group all of them are fruits?
A) cherry, strawberry, crange and coffe
B) apple, pineapple, grapes and chicken
C) raspberry, tangerine, watermelon, peach, banana
  • 85. In which group all of them are Foods?
A) bean, rice, bread, spaghetti and noodles
B) potato, pork, juice and lettuce
C) beer, chicken, meat and rice
  • 86. some household objects are:
A) paint, wall, and plants
B) chair, table, stove, lamp, bed, sofa, refrigerator and dining room
C) yard, cable. Light and floor
  • 87. Which of these groups are all of them place of the city?
A) bridge, building, bus stop, church, library and university
B) airplane, house, cable, light, floor and cementery
C) helicopter, ship, monument, park and zoo
  • 88. Which of these groups are all of them daily routine?
A) have lunch, have coffee, take a nap, graduation and floor
B) family, transportation, go to school, take the bus and make up
C) wake up, get up, take a shower, have breakfast and go to work
  • 89. Para decir las siguientes ropas: pantalones, camisa, reloj, gafas, corbata, bufanda, blusa, zapato, media y correa, la forma correcta para escribirlo en ingles es:
A) b) pants, shirt, watch, glasses, tie, scarf, blouse, shoe, stocking/sucks and belt
B) pants, shirt, watch, glasses, tie, scarf, blouse, shoe and belt
C) b) pants, shirt, watch, glasses, tie, scarf, blouse, shoe, stocking/sucks and belt
  • 90. Si quiero decir que alguien es: elegante, alto, hermosa, pequeño, agradable, cortes y feo. La forma correcta es:
A) handsome, tall, pretty, short, kind,unpolite and rude
B) handsome, tall, pretty, short, kind, polite and mes
C) handsome, tall, pretty, short, kind, polite and ugly
  • 91. Para escribir las siguientes actividades artísticas en español: sing, paint and dance, la forma correcta es:
A) cantar, jugar y bailar
B) cantar, pintar y bailar
C) cantar, trabajar y bailar
  • 92. Which of these groups are all of them part of the human body?
A) toes, knee, hips, waist, elbow, fase, head, nose, lips and weather
B) birthday, leg, knee, hip, waist, elbow, fase, head, nose, lips and hair
C) knee, arm, fingers, legs, foot, toe, neck, head, shoulder, elbow and hand
  • 93. Cual respuesta encaja más a la siguiente pregunta, What do your parents do for a living? ¿Qué hacen tuspadres para vivir?
A) my mother is sick and my father a tall
B) my mother is pretty and my father is handsome
C) my mother is a housekeeper and my father a lawyer
  • 94. Which of these groups are all of them moods (Estado de Animo)?
A) anxious, tired, empathic and professional
B) intelligent, unhappy, afraid and quiet
C) excited, happy, sad, nervous, melancholic, aggressive and bored
  • 95. Which of these groups are all of them moods (Estado de Animo)?
A) airplane, helicopter and radio
B) magazines, newspapers, radio, television and internet
C) bus, car, tv, street and bicycle
  • 96. Which of these groups are all of them road signs (señales de tránsito)?
A) pólice station, train, ambulance, customes and do not U turn
B) stop, Speed limit, dead end, school zone, do not enter, slow down, turn left ahead, turn right ahead, no Trespassing, no parking any time and no turn on red,
C) driver, wrong way, yield, one way and phone
  • 97. Cual respuesta hace referencia a todos los adverbios de frecuencia?
A) always, usually, frequently, often, sometimes, who, why, where,whose, because and never.
B) handsome, ugly, pretty, some and any
C) always, usually, frequently, often, sometimes, occasionally, rarely, seldom - hardly ever and never.
  • 98. De los siguientes Valores descritos en español: Honestidad respeto, sinceridad, generosidad, tolerancia, amabilidad, responsabilidad, paciencia, perseverancia, bondad, amor, libertad alegría, confianza, empatía, justicia y amistad. ¿cuál respuesta en ingles se corresponde exactamente?
A) b) respect, sincerity, tolerance, generosity, amiability, responsibility, patience, perseverance, kindness, love, freedom, joy, trust, empathy, justice and friendship
B) determination, cooperation tolerance, generosity, amiability, responsibility, patience, perseverance and kindness
C) solidarity, gratitude, perseverance, kindness, love, freedom, joy, trust, empathy, justice and friendship
  • 99. Los adverbios de probabilidad maybe, perhaps, probably and possibly, se escriben en español:
A) c) ciertamente, probablemente y posiblemente
B) lamentablemente, probablemente y posiblemente
C) quizás, tal vez, probablemente y posiblemente
  • 100. There _______a student talking too much in the school yesterday
A) were
B) do
C) b) was
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