• 1. International Security Operations includes the following except:
A) Both Counter terrorist operations and Insurgency operations
B) Counter terrorist operations
C) Police patrol operations
D) Insurgency operations
  • 2. What is the appropriate meaning of SOCO?
A) Scene of the crime organization
B) Scene of the crime orientation
C) Scene of the crime operatives
D) Scene of the crime operation
  • 3. This shall be filed by the Team Leader of the operating team/s prior to the conduct of the the concerned Police Unit Commander. Operation and shall be e approved by
A) Post-Operational Clearance
B) Operational Clearance
C) Police Clearance
D) Pre-Operational Clearance
  • 4. During actual police intervention operations, the Team Leader shall use peaceful means to warn or influence the offender/s or suspect/s to stop and/or including the use of peacefully give up.
A) Gun
B) Megaphones and other similar instrument
C) Excessive force
D) Warning shots
  • 5. This is how the verbal warning should apply during opeartion.
A) Any language
B) No need verbal warming
C) Loud and clear
D) Without identifying himself
  • 6. Police operations like arrest, search and seizure, checkpoint, roadblocks, demolition and sturbance management shall be conducted as follows, but not one:
A) With a marked police vehicle
B) Led by a Police Commissioned Officer (PCO)
C) With civilian who wants to volunteer
D) With personnel in prescribed police uniform or attire
  • 7. What should be the police officer do if he fires his service firearm or weapon during a confrontation with an offender or offenders?
A) Do not submit an incident report outlining the circumstances necessitating the use of his rearm
B) Must submit an accident report outlining the circumstances necessitating the use of his firearm
C) Must submit an incident report outlining the circumstances unnecessitating the use of his firearm
D) Must submit an incident report outlining the circumstances necessitating the use of this firearm
  • 8. A moving vehicle shall not be fired upon except when its occupants pose imminent f causing death or injury to the police officer or any other person, and that the use of does not create a danger to the public and outweigh the likely benefits of its non-use.
A) Maybe true
B) False
C) True
D) Maybe false
  • 9. Team Leader/s (TL) of local police units operating outside their territorial jurisdiction and national Support Units (NSUs) shall coordinate, with the Police Regional, Provincial or City ffice within whose jurisdiction the operation is to be conducted.
A) Through Personal Coordination or by Official Representative
B) None of these
C) Through Official Representative only
D) Through Personal Coordination only
  • 10. Intelligence Operation includes?
A) Investigation of crime or incident
B) Both Intelligence research and counter intelligence
C) Intelligence research
D) counter intelligence
  • 11. Why should careful planning is must
A) To avoid waste of strength and money
B) To avoid being busy
C) To avoid stress to the patrol officer
D) To avoid waste of time, effort and resources
  • 12. when requiring identification from a suspicious person or any individual while on patrol, are you
    going to take the wallet or bag in which the cards/ documents are placed?
A) Yes. You may take the bag or wallet and immediately bring to the police station for further verification.
B) No. Let the individual remove and hand them to you.
C) Yes, before the suspicious person would have removed the illegal from the bag or wallet.
D) No. Police officers have no anthority to require identifiaction of suspicious persons.
  • 13. How often do patrol officers render report of location and situation through radio/ telephon or cellphone to Police Community precinct (PCP/ Station Headquarters Tactical Operation Center (TOC)?
A) Every four hours
B) Hourly
C) Every two hours
D) Every thirty minutes
  • 14. A police officer has these right to perform if the individual has been legitimately stopped with reasonable suspicion and when the police officer has reason to believe that individual possesses weapon/s on his person and poses s threat to the police officer's or another person's safety.
A) Pre-checking
B) Spot check/ accosting
C) Body frisk/ pat-down search
D) Double checking
  • 15. What is strictly observed during the patrol oprations?
A) One patrol officer for each patrol car
B) Two males and one female police offficer
C) Buddy system
D) Two males and two females officers
  • 16. What should you do regarding conflicts or differences between neighbors, landlords and tenants, as well as husband and wife ?
A) Arrest the person who caused the conflict or differences to teach others a lesson.
B) Do not attempt to arbitrate and resolve conflicts or differences between neighbors, landlords and tenants as well as husband and wife.
C) Make sure to listen to both sides as your basis for resolving the conflict or differences.
D) Determine the root cause of the conflict or differences and settle the problem.
  • 17. If the suspects or criminals have fled the scene before the arrival of the patrol team, what should the patrol team do?
A) Cordon the crime scene to prevent the destruction of material physical evidence.
B) Immediately relay the composition, armament, appearance, and mode and direction of escape of the suspects to the Operations Center for the conduct of dragnet operations.
C) Ask the witness for the identification of the suspect for the filing of a case in court.
D) Immediately attend to the injured. Bring him to a medical clinic or hospital for medication.
  • 18. While patrolling. PO1 Juan found a highly suspected Improvised Explosive Device. What shouldn't he
A) Never attempt to handle, move or lift the object.
B) Detonate the Improvised Explosive Device before it explodes.
C) Contact Operations Center and request for Explosive Ordnance Disposal Team.
D) Promptly led onlookers to a safe distance away from the scene.
  • 19. Who authorizes the establishment of checkpoints?
A) The Chief of Police in coordination with Municipal Mayor concerned.
B) The PNP Provincial Director
C) The Chief of Police
D) The Head of Office of the territorial PNP Unit and manned by uniformed PNP Personnel.
  • 20. Should the civilian components be allowed to bear firearms during the checkpoint?
A) They could carry their licensed personal firearms.
B) They could carry government-issued firearms.
C) No
D) PNP members can let them carry for the meantime their issued firearms.
  • 21. What is the minimum number of PNP personnel manning a checkpoint?
A) 8
B) 7
C) 21
D) 14
  • 22. Should the PNP allow the participation of the civilians and the presence of the media in the conduct of checkpoint?
A) No. Only police officers are allowed at checkpoints.
B) No. The civilians might muddle the conduct of the checkpoint.
C) Yes. But be confined only as observers to give police additional eyes and promote transparency of activities in the area.
D) Yes. But only on illegal drugs cases,
  • 23. Who shall flag down suspected vehicles at the checkpoint site?
A) The Security sub team
B) The Team leader
C) The Search/Arresting Sub-Team
D) The Blocking/pursuing sub team
  • 24. If the vehicle's window is heavily tinted and the occupants cannot be seen, what should the police do?
A) Instruct the driven to open all windows to have a clear view of the interior of the vehicle.
B) Impound the motor vehicle for using heavily tinted windows
C) Smash the windows by the butt of your gun to have a clear view of the mv's interior.
D) Use your flashlights to conduct visual search.
  • 25. Who will be pre-positioned in a place where he can best point/ profile suspected vehicles prior to their approach to the checkpoint?
A) the first responder
B) the Spokespersons
C) The spotter
D) the intelligence agent
  • 26. shall lead and take responsibility in the conduct of roadblock preferably an officer with the rank of at least Police Lieutenant
A) Team leader
B) Spokesperson
C) Spotter
  • 27. PNP personnel who will point/profile suspected vehicle subject for roadblock
A) Sniper
B) Spokesperson
C) Forward observer
D) Team leader
  • 28. to render the vehicle un-operational to avoid escape and provide firepower support to neutralize med and hostile suspects during firefight
A) Sniper
B) Gun
C) Shotgun
D) Firearm
  • 29. tasked to provide immediate medical assistance if necessary
A) Medical sub
B) Medical sub team
C) Security sub team
  • 30. tasked take videos of the entire roadblock operation.
A) Videomaker
B) Videographer
C) Photographer
  • 31. is a place where the police check vehicular/ pedestrian traffic in order to enforce circulation control measure and other laws, and regulations.
A) Checkpoint
B) Spot check
C) Pat-down search
  • 32. who is in charge of communicating with the motorists subject for checkpoint
A) Spokesperson
B) Team leader
C) Spotter
  • 33. tasked to block/pursue fleeing suspects/vehicle.
A) Security sub team
B) Search/Arresting sub team
C) Blocking/pursuing sub team
  • 34. in charge of investigation and documentation of the roadblock
A) Security sub team
B) Medical sub team
C) Investigation sub team
  • 35. In a hasty checkpoint, when should the participation of the civilian component and the presence of the media in the checkpoint not be allowed?
A) When there is a possibility of high-risk stop or high-risk arrest, and there is urgency for troop deployment
B) When the participation of the civilians and the media might compromise or negatively affect the checkpoint operation.
C) When the civilian component and the media are not in their office uniforms in which they could not be properly identified.
D) The PNP would like to keep secret from the media the checkpoint operation.
  • 36. What should the ground commander or Team Leader do before the termination of the Checkpoint?
A) Conduct briefing
B) Conduct roll call of his personnel
C) Conduct debriefing of his personnel
D) Inform higher headquarters
  • 37. after the patrol to assess its conduct and make necessary corrective measures on defects
A) Inform higher headquarters
B) Conduct debriefing
C) Conduct briefing
  • 38. Voluntary offers of cash or in kind from the traders/ motorists passing by the checkpoint should be absolutel
    refused because?
A) Motorists passing by the checkpoint do not really like to offer cash or in kind.
B) people might see the motorists giving cash or in kind to the police.
C) The offer might be misconstrued as a bribe.
D) the motorists might not pass by the same route anymore.
  • 39. Police personnel assigned in the checkpoint shall not mulct, extort, or harass drivers, passengers, and traders. Designated assigned at checkpoint shall be responsible for the actuations and behavior of his personnel and shall be accountable under the doctrine of?
A) Command responsibility
B) Span of control
C) Police omnipresence
D) Unity of Command
  • 40. What is the important patrol officer should do when responding to street fights or brawl?
A) Inform higher headquarters about the brawl
B) The patrol member should his firearm because responding to brawls is very risky and dangerous
C) The patrol member should be able to identify who started the brawl.
D) The patrol member should call for back-up before intervening
  • 41. When responding to calls from owners of beer houses, bars or inns or any other similar establishments during night time, what should you do before entering the establishments?
A) Inform the owner of the bar because he might accuse you of stealing later.
B) Request the owner to put the lights off.
C) Request the owner to put the lights on.
D) Put on your siren and make sure it heard by the suspect inside the bar
  • 42. When are mobile checkpoints authorized?
A) Only when ordered by higher headquarters.
B) Only when established in conjunction with ongoing police operations.
C) When the police have to arrest top most wanted persons.
D) When arresting wanted persons on board motor vehicles.
  • 43. While patrolling, an individual flees when he sees you, what should you do?
A) Join the individual in fleeing away.
B) Stop the individual and conduct spot check on his person.
C) Arrest the individual and bring him to the police station for tactical interrogation.
D) Tell him nit be always rushing because he might slip on his way.
  • 44. Why is it that whenever possible, pat-down searches should be conducted by at least two (2) police officers?
A) One to perform the search while the other provides protective covers
B) Whenever possible, pat-down searches should be conducted not just by two (2) police officers but by more police officers for safety purposes.
C) The conduct of pat-down search by two police officers is more secured.
D) Most police units lack personnel for them to conduct pat-down searches by at least two (2) police officers.
  • 45. Are police officers required to inform the person of his rights under the law (1.e. Miranda Warning, Anti-torture etc.) during pat-down search?
A) No. It is court will inform the person of his rights during trial.
B) Yes, before anybody be pat-down searched should be informed of his righia under the law Ge. Miranda
C) Yes, but it should be done inside the police station and in the presence of tis counsel.
D) No. unless the person is placed under arrest.
  • 46. The police officer may stop to an individual for the purpose only when reasonable suspicion exists, reasonable suspicion must be more than just a hunch or feeling.
A) check-in
B) Body frisk/ pat-down search
C) Spot check/ Accosting
D) Checkpoint
  • 47. ________________s a temporary installation or hastily built barricade set for halting traffic to facilitate
    the apprehension/neutralization of an armed person/suspect onboard a motor vehicle.
A) Roadlblock
B) High risk check
C) Police defensive roadlblock
  • 48. includes Search, Rescue and Retrieval Operations, Fire Drills, Earthquake Drills and smilar operations that promote public safety.
A) Special police operation
B) Intelligence operation
C) Law enforcement operation
D) Public safety operation
  • 49. includes the processing of crime scene, technical and forensic examination of evidences and similar scientific investigative assistance.
A) Scene of the crime operation
B) Law enforcement operation
C) Intelligence operation
D) Special police operation
  • 50. includes Investigation of Crime or Incident, Administrative Investigation and similar
    investigative work necessary to determine facts and circumstances for filing cases criminally or administratively.
A) Scene of the crime operation
B) Investigation operation
C) Law enforcement operation
D) Special police operation
  • 51. includes Service of Warrant of Arrest, Implementation of Search Warrant, Enforcement of Visitorial Powers of the Chief, Philippine National Police and Unit Commanders, Anti-Illegal Drugs Operation, Anti-Illegal Gambling Operations, Anti-Illegal Logging Operations, Anti-Illegal Fishing Operations, Anti- Carnapping
    Operations, Anti-Kidnapping Operations, Anti- Cyber Crime Operations and similar operations that are conducted to enforce laws, statutes, executive orders and ordinances.
A) Special police operation
B) Intelligence operation
C) Law enforcement operation
D) Public safety operation
E) Investigation operation
  • 52. includes Checkpoint Operation, Roadblock Operation, Civil Disturbance Management Operation, Police Assistance in the Enforcement of Demolition Eviction Injunction and Similar Orders, Police
    Assistance in the Implementation of Final Court Order and Order from Quasi-Judicial Bodies, Hostage Situation, Visit Board Search and Seizure Onboard Marine Vessels and similar police operations that are conducted by police units with specialized training on the peculiarity of the mission or purpose.
A) Scene of the crime operation
B) Investigation operation
C) Intelligence operation
D) Public safety operation
E) Special police operation
  • 53. includes Surveillance Operation, Counter Intelligence, Intelligence Research, Intelligence assessment and similar police intelligence operation conducted to gather information related to security, public safety and order.
A) Special police operation
B) Investigation operation
C) Intelligence operation
D) Law enforcement operation
  • 54. tasked to provide security in the roadblock area and ensure exclusion of other vehicles and civilians not subject of roadblock;
A) Medical sub
B) Security sub team
C) Investigation sub team
D) Search/ Arresting sub team
  • 55. ____________ designated to conduct search, seizure and arrest
A) Security sub team
B) Medical sub
C) Investigation sub team
D) Search / Arresting sub team
  • 56. Keep watch on uninhabited homes
A) False
B) Maybe false
C) True
D) Maybe true
  • 57. When checking suspicious persons, places, buildings/ establishments and vehicles especially during night
    time, be prepared to use your service firearm. Flashlight should be held tightly away from the body to avoid
    making you a possible target
A) True
B) Maybe false
C) Maybe true
D) False
  • 58. Use tact and persuasiveness when conducting operation individuals for information
A) Maybe true
B) Maybe false
C) True
D) False
  • 59. Be observant of people, places, situations or conditions and develop a suspicious attitude especially if the
    subject appears to be slightly out of the ordinary
A) True
B) Maybe true
C) Maybe false
D) False
  • 60. Observe defensive driving and follow traffic rules and regulations
A) True
B) Maybe false
C) False
D) Maybe true
  • 61. Keep watch on inhabited homes
A) Maybe false
B) True
C) False
D) Maybe true
  • 62. When checking suspicious persons, places, buildings/ establishments and vehicles especially during night
    time, be prepared to use your flashlight. Service firearm should be held tightly away from the body to avoid
    making you a possible target
A) False
B) Maybe false
C) True
D) Maybe true
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