Boston Tea Party
  • 1. When did the Boston Tea Party take place?
A) 1786
B) 1765
C) 1800
D) 1773
  • 2. Which act imposed taxes on tea that led to the Boston Tea Party?
A) Sugar Act
B) Stamp Act
C) Townshend Acts
D) Tea Act
  • 3. Who organized the Boston Tea Party?
A) Redcoats
B) Patriots
C) Daughters of Liberty
D) Sons of Liberty
  • 4. How many chests of tea were thrown into the harbor during the Boston Tea Party?
A) 342
B) 700
C) 177
D) 500
  • 5. Which British East India Company ship had its tea dumped during the Boston Tea Party?
A) Endeavour
B) Mayflower
C) Dartmouth
D) Golden Hind
  • 6. What was the disguise worn by the participants of the Boston Tea Party?
A) French soldiers
B) Native Americans
C) Spanish sailors
D) Mohawk Indians
  • 7. Who was the British Prime Minister at the time of the Boston Tea Party?
A) William Pitt
B) George Grenville
C) Charles Townshend
D) Lord North
  • 8. What was the name of the tea party leader who issued the command to dump the tea?
A) John Adams
B) Samuel Adams
C) Paul Revere
D) Thomas Jefferson
  • 9. Which country was the colonizers' main trading partner during the time of the Boston Tea Party?
A) Spain
B) Great Britain
C) Netherlands
D) France
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