History of Genghis Khan in Mongolia
  • 1. Genghis Khan, born as Temujin in the early 1160s, unified the nomadic tribes of Mongolia and founded the Mongol Empire in 1206. His military conquests expanded the empire across Asia, creating the largest land empire in history. Genghis Khan was known for his strategic brilliance, innovative military tactics, and the creation of a well-organized and disciplined army. His legacy in Mongolia is profound, as he is seen as a national hero and the founding father of the Mongol nation. The Mongolian people honor his memory with statues, monuments, and celebrations, recognizing his role in shaping their history and culture.

    Where was Genghis Khan born?
A) China
B) Mongolia
C) Russia
D) Japan
  • 2. What was Genghis Khan's birth name?
A) Temüjin
B) Batu
C) Kublai
D) Ogedei
  • 3. What was the title given to Genghis Khan, meaning 'universal ruler'?
A) Emir
B) Khanate
C) Shah
D) Khagan
  • 4. Which empire did Genghis Khan establish?
A) Mongol Empire
B) Byzantine Empire
C) Roman Empire
D) Ottoman Empire
  • 5. What was the capital of the Mongol Empire under Genghis Khan?
A) Beijing
B) Karakorum
C) Moscow
D) Baghdad
  • 6. What was the largest empire in history established by Genghis Khan?
A) The Spanish Empire
B) The Mongol Empire
C) The British Empire
D) The Inca Empire
  • 7. What is the name of Genghis Khan's famous book of laws?
A) The Prince
B) Yassa
C) The Art of War
D) Nicomachean Ethics
  • 8. In what year did Genghis Khan die?
A) 1227
B) 1348
C) 1588
D) 1492
  • 9. Which city did Genghis Khan famously conquer in 1215?
A) Paris
B) Rome
C) Constantinople
D) Beijing
  • 10. What was the military unit of 10 men in Genghis Khan's army called?
A) Hoplite
B) Arban
C) Legion
D) Phalanx
  • 11. What was the name of Genghis Khan's mother?
A) Borte
B) Yesugen
C) Sorghaghtani
D) Hoelun
  • 12. What was the primary weapon used by the Mongol warriors in battle?
A) Spear
B) Sword
C) Axe
D) Composite bow
  • 13. Which Chinese dynasty did Genghis Khan's grandson Kublai Khan establish?
A) Qin Dynasty
B) Yuan Dynasty
C) Ming Dynasty
D) Han Dynasty
  • 14. When was Genghis Khan born?
A) 1075
B) 1205
C) 1217
D) 1162
  • 15. Who succeeded Genghis Khan as the ruler of the Mongol Empire?
A) Ögedei Khan
B) Kublai Khan
C) Jochi
D) Tolui
  • 16. The period of Mongol peace and stability created by Genghis Khan is known as the?
A) Pax Romana
B) Pax Sinica
C) Pax Britannica
D) Pax Mongolica
  • 17. What famous trade route did the Mongol Empire control under Genghis Khan?
A) Spice Route
B) Amber Road
C) Silk Road
D) Salt Route
  • 18. Which of Genghis Khan's grandsons founded the Ilkhanate in Persia?
A) Hulagu Khan
B) Bat Khan
C) Möngke Khan
D) Kublai Khan
  • 19. Who was Genghis Khan's third son, known for his military prowess?
A) Jochi
B) Ögedei
C) Chagatai
D) Tolui
  • 20. Which medieval kingdom did Genghis Khan's grandson, Batu Khan, invade and conquer in the 13th century?
A) Byzantine Empire
B) Kievan Rus
C) Mali Empire
D) Kingdom of Jerusalem
  • 21. What nickname was Genghis Khan given due to his military skills?
A) The Great Liberator
B) The Universal Ruler
C) The Philosopher King
D) The Peacemaker
  • 22. Which major city did Genghis Khan's descendant Timur capture and destroy in 1398?
A) Delhi
B) Baghdad
C) Florence
D) Constantinople
  • 23. In what year did Genghis Khan begin his conquest and unification of Mongolia?
A) 1206
B) 1171
C) 1225
D) 1250
  • 24. Which famous explorer visited the court of Kublai Khan in the 13th century?
A) Vasco da Gama
B) Marco Polo
C) Christopher Columbus
D) Ibn Battuta
  • 25. Who was Genghis Khan's most trusted general who played a crucial role in his conquests?
A) Toghrul
B) Subutai
C) Jebe
D) Jelme
  • 26. What traditional Mongolian script was created during Genghis Khan's reign?
A) Hangul script
B) Uyghur script
C) Arabic script
D) Cyrillic script
  • 27. What is the term for Genghis Khan's method of selecting military leaders based on talent and merit?
A) Legacy selection
B) Nepotism
C) Meritocracy
D) Feudalism
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