Indira Ghandi becomes Prime Minister of India
  • 1. When did Indira Gandhi become the Prime Minister of India?
A) 1950
B) 1966
C) 1975
D) 1980
  • 2. Which political party did Indira Gandhi belong to?
A) Communist Party of India
B) Bharatiya Janata Party
C) Indian National Congress
D) Aam Aadmi Party
  • 3. Indira Gandhi was the daughter of which Prime Minister of India?
A) Rajiv Gandhi
B) Morarji Desai
C) Jawaharlal Nehru
D) Atal Bihari Vajpayee
  • 4. Which year did Indira Gandhi declare a state of emergency in India?
A) 1975
B) 1984
C) 1991
D) 1962
  • 5. What was the outcome of the Bangladesh Liberation War during Indira Gandhi's term as Prime Minister?
A) Annexation of Bangladesh by India
B) Formation of United Pakistan
C) Creation of Bangladesh
D) Independence of Sri Lanka
  • 6. During which war did Indira Gandhi declare a state of emergency in India?
A) Sino-Indian War
B) Indo-Pakistani War of 1971
C) Kargil War
D) Indo-Pakistani War of 1965
  • 7. Which major global event happened during Indira Gandhi's term that greatly influenced world politics?
A) Cold War
B) French Revolution
C) Great Depression
D) World War I
  • 8. Indira Gandhi was known for her strong stance on which international issue?
A) Nuclear proliferation
B) Non-alignment
C) Colonialism
D) Military intervention
  • 9. Which Indian monument was the target of a terrorist attack during Indira Gandhi's term as Prime Minister?
A) Red Fort
B) Taj Mahal
C) Golden Temple
D) Qutb Minar
  • 10. What was the codename of the military operation launched by the Indian Armed Forces to regain control of the Golden Temple from Sikh militants in 1984?
A) Operation White Lightning
B) Operation Blue Star
C) Operation Red Dawn
D) Operation Black Thunder
  • 11. Indira Gandhi was known for promoting which type of agriculture in India?
A) Green Revolution
B) Industrial Revolution
C) Information Revolution
D) White Revolution
  • 12. Which famous slogan was associated with Indira Gandhi's election campaign?
A) Garibi Hatao
B) Jai Hind
C) Achhe Din
D) Satyamev Jayate
  • 13. Who was the Deputy Prime Minister of India during Indira Gandhi's tenure?
A) Rajiv Gandhi
B) Manmohan Singh
C) Morarji Desai
D) Atal Bihari Vajpayee
  • 14. Which social welfare program was launched by Indira Gandhi in 1982 to provide food security to the poor?
A) National Rural Employment Guarantee Act
B) Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana
C) Midday Meal Scheme
D) Integrated Child Development Services
  • 15. During Indira Gandhi's tenure, India conducted its first successful nuclear test under which operation name?
A) Operation Shakti
B) Smiling Buddha
C) Pokhran-II
D) Mission Shunya
  • 16. Which international organization awarded Indira Gandhi the inaugural 'International Simón Bolívar Prize' for her contributions to world peace in 1983?
  • 17. Indira Gandhi was the Prime Minister of India during which World Cup final held in Mumbai in 1983?
A) Rugby
B) Cricket
C) Hockey
D) Football
  • 18. What relation was Indira Gandhi to Jawaharlal Nehru?
A) Daughter
B) Mother
C) Wife
D) Sister
  • 19. Indira Gandhi was the first female Prime Minister of which country?
A) United Kingdom
B) Pakistan
C) India
D) Canada
  • 20. Which leader was in power in Pakistan during the 1971 Indo-Pakistani War?
A) Pervez Musharraf
B) Zulfikar Ali Bhutto
C) Yahya Khan
D) Ayub Khan
  • 21. Indira Gandhi was assassinated in which year?
A) 1984
B) 1977
C) 1990
D) 1989
  • 22. Who was Indira Gandhi's elder son and future Prime Minister of India?
A) Jawaharlal Gandhi
B) Rajiv Gandhi
C) Sanjay Gandhi
D) Nehru Gandhi
  • 23. Which famous Indian saint did Indira Gandhi seek guidance from in tumultuous times?
A) Sathya Sai Baba
B) Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh
C) Aurobindo Ghose
D) Ramakrishna
  • 24. Which international organization did Indira Gandhi become the Chairperson of in 1983?
A) World Bank
B) Non-Aligned Movement
C) European Union
D) United Nations
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