Darius King of Persia invades Greece in 1st Persia Wars
  • 1. When did Darius King of Persia invade Greece in the 1st Persia Wars?
A) 300 BC
B) 500 BC
C) 490 BC
D) 400 BC
  • 2. Who was the Athenian general known for his role in the Battle of Marathon?
A) Leonidas
B) Pericles
C) Themistocles
D) Miltiades
  • 3. Who was the Persian king during the 1st Persia Wars?
A) Xerxes I
B) Cyrus the Great
C) Artaxerxes I
D) Darius I
  • 4. Which Greek city-state did Xerxes I burn during his invasion of Greece?
A) Sparta
B) Corinth
C) Athens
D) Thebes
  • 5. Who was the Spartan king who led the Greek forces at Thermopylae?
A) Miltiades
B) Pericles
C) Leonidas
D) Themistocles
  • 6. What was the role of Themistocles in the wars against Persia?
A) Persian diplomat
B) Theban strategist
C) Athenian naval commander
D) Spartan general
  • 7. Which ancient historian chronicled the events of the Persian Wars?
A) Plutarch
B) Herodotus
C) Thucydides
D) Xenophon
  • 8. Who won the Battle of Plataea?
A) Romans
B) Persians
C) Celts
D) Greeks
  • 9. Who led the Persian army during the Battle of Marathon?
A) Cambyses
B) Datis
C) Xerxes
D) Mardonius
  • 10. Which Greek general was known for his advice to 'March to the ships' during the Persian Wars?
A) Themistocles
B) Pericles
C) Miltiades
D) Leonidas
  • 11. Where did the Persians land in Greece during Darius I's invasion?
A) Marathon
B) Thermopylae
C) Salamis
D) Plataea
  • 12. On what date did the Battle of Marathon take place?
A) October 495 BC
B) September 490 BC
C) August 475 BC
D) July 480 BC
  • 13. Who was the Persian king who ordered the invasion of Greece after Darius I's death?
A) Cyrus the Great
B) Artaxerxes I
C) Xerxes I
D) Darius II
  • 14. Which Greek city-state was betrayed to the Persians by Ephialtes at Thermopylae?
A) Thebes
B) Sparta
C) Corinth
D) Athens
  • 15. What Greek city-state was the first to engage the Persians in battle during the 1st Persia Wars?
A) Athens
B) Eretria
C) Corinth
D) Sparta
  • 16. Which Persian naval battle followed the land Battle of Marathon?
A) Battle of Artemisium
B) Battle of Plataea
C) Battle of Thermopylae
D) Battle of Salamis
  • 17. Which narrow pass was famously defended by the Spartans in the 2nd Persian invasion?
A) Plataea
B) Artemisium
C) Thermopylae
D) Salamis
  • 18. What was the final major battle in the 1st Persia Wars that resulted in a decisive Greek victory?
A) Battle of Marathon
B) Battle of Plataea
C) Battle of Salamis
D) Battle of Thermopylae
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