- 1. In Christian theology, Jesus is often understood as the new Temple, fulfilling and transcending the traditional Jewish Temple's sacred role in a profound way. The Temple in Jerusalem was the central place of worship for the Jewish people, a place where God's presence resided, and where sacrifices were made to atone for sins. However, Jesus, through His life, death, and resurrection, reinterprets this concept by embodying the true dwelling of God among humanity. He presents Himself as the ultimate sacrifice, signifying the end of the old covenant and the establishment of a new one through His blood. The Gospel of John emphasizes this transformation when Jesus declares, 'Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up,' a statement that invites believers to see Him not merely as a part of the religious system but as the very embodiment of God's presence on earth. This theological shift is echoed by the Apostle Paul, who speaks of believers as the body of Christ, indicating that the presence of God now resides within the community of faith. Thus, Jesus redefines Temple worship, moving from a location of bricks and mortar to a relational and spiritual reality, inviting all who trust in Him to participate in this divine communion, where worship is not confined to a physical space but is lived out in the daily lives of believers, united in faith and purpose.
Which Gospel emphasizes Jesus' body as the Temple?
A) Matthew B) John C) Luke D) Mark
- 2. What was the purpose of the Temple in ancient Israel?
A) A place for social gatherings B) A marketplace C) A political stronghold D) To be a dwelling place for God's presence
- 3. According to John 2:19, what does Jesus say He will do with the Temple?
A) Rebuild it in a year B) Purify it C) Destroy it and raise it in three days D) Expand it
- 4. Who did Jesus claim to be in John 14:6?
A) The good shepherd B) The way, the truth, and the life C) The light of the world D) The bread of life
- 5. How does the Book of Hebrews relate to Jesus as the new Temple?
A) It describes the physical Temple's dimensions B) It explains Jesus as the ultimate high priest C) It compares Jesus to the prophets D) It provides a history of the Temple
- 6. Which parable illustrates grace and the new access to God through Jesus?
A) The Parable of the Prodigal Son B) The Parable of the Good Samaritan C) The Parable of the Lost Sheep D) The Parable of the Sower
- 7. What does Ephesians 2:21-22 say about believers in relation to God?
A) They are being built together as a holy temple B) They are the old temple C) They need to build new shrines D) They are distant from God
- 8. What did the Temple symbolize for the Jewish people?
A) God's presence and His covenant with Israel B) Wealth and power C) Judicial authority D) Military strength
- 9. In which chapter does Jesus refer to His body as the Temple?
A) John 2 B) Mark 10 C) Matthew 5 D) Luke 9
- 10. What does 1 Peter 2:5 call believers?
A) Worshippers in the Temple B) Followers of the law C) Living stones being built into a spiritual house D) New high priests in the Temple
- 11. Why is Jesus referred to as the cornerstone?
A) He performed significant miracles B) He established a new law C) He is essential to the new spiritual structure D) He is from the line of kings
- 12. Which Apostle speaks of believers as the Temple in 1 Corinthians?
A) Paul B) John C) James D) Peter
- 13. Which event showed Jesus expressing zeal for the Temple?
A) Sermon on the Mount B) Cleansing of the Temple C) Feeding of the 5000 D) His crucifixion
- 14. How does the Gospel of Matthew depict the Temple's role in Jesus' life?
A) As an irrelevant institution B) As a fulfillment of prophecy and law C) As merely a location for miracles D) As only a place for judgment
- 15. Which verse states that Jesus came to fulfill the Law and the Prophets?
A) Luke 4:21 B) John 1:17 C) Mark 10:45 D) Matthew 5:17
- 16. What typology is Jesus often associated with in relation to the Temple?
A) The sacrificial lamb B) The high priest C) The king D) The prophet