4th Grade Cumulative Spelling Test 1
  • 1. Choose the correct spelling
A) balde
B) blad
C) blade
D) blaid
  • 2. Choose the correct spelling
A) dulay
B) delay
C) dlay
D) dealay
  • 3. Choose the correct spelling
A) passt
B) pist
C) past
D) paast
  • 4. Choose the correct spelling
A) afraeid
B) afraid
C) afrade
D) araid
  • 5. Choose the correct spelling
A) mayjic
B) magic
C) maygic
D) majic
  • 6. Choose the correct spelling
A) umaze
B) amaz
C) ameaze
D) amaze
  • 7. Choose the correct spelling
A) gray
B) grai
C) grraye
D) graey
  • 8. Choose the correct spelling
A) drean
B) drain
C) derain
D) draein
  • 9. Choose the correct spelling
A) maibe
B) maybee
C) maybe
D) mabe
  • 10. Choose the correct spelling
A) break
B) brakeee
C) braeak
D) breik
  • 11. Choose the correct spelling
A) saile
B) sale
C) saile
D) sal
  • 12. Choose the correct spelling
A) hang
B) hing
C) hange
D) hanj
  • 13. Choose the correct spelling
A) staine
B) stene
C) stane
D) stain
  • 14. Choose the correct spelling
A) glaze
B) glase
C) glass
D) glas
  • 15. Choose the correct spelling
A) raeft
B) raft
C) rafte
D) raift
  • 16. Choose the correct spelling
A) jail
B) jeal
C) jal
D) jaile
  • 17. Choose the correct spelling
A) crayon
B) crayone
C) krayon
D) creyon
  • 18. Choose the correct spelling
A) facte
B) fact
C) faict
D) faikt
  • 19. Choose the correct spelling
A) steale
B) stale
C) stile
D) stael
  • 20. Choose the correct spelling
A) steak
B) staik
C) stak
D) staeke
  • 21. Choose the correct spelling
A) fraction
B) fraiction
C) frackshun
D) fracshun
  • 22. Choose the correct spelling
A) trate
B) trait
C) traiet
D) trat
  • 23. Choose the correct spelling
A) champoin
B) champieon
C) champion
D) champeon
  • 24. Choose the correct spelling
A) activety
B) activity
C) actievty
D) actitiety
  • 25. Choose the correct spelling
A) gracful
B) graiceful
C) graseful
D) graceful
  • 26. Choose the correct spelling
A) wets
B) waste
C) west
D) weste
  • 27. Choose the correct spelling
A) steepe
B) steap
C) steip
D) steep
  • 28. Choose the correct spelling
A) membar
B) mimbar
C) member
D) mimber
  • 29. Choose the correct spelling
A) gleam
B) gleme
C) gleem
D) gleame
  • 30. Choose the correct spelling
A) fresh
B) frish
C) freshe
D) friesh
  • 31. Choose the correct spelling
A) fredom
B) freadom
C) freedome
D) freedom
  • 32. Choose the correct spelling
A) speed
B) spede
C) speade
D) spead
  • 33. Choose the correct spelling
A) steame
B) steam
C) steim
D) steme
  • 34. Choose the correct spelling
A) beaste
B) beast
C) baest
D) besat
  • 35. Choose the correct spelling
A) believe
B) belive
C) beleive
D) bulieve
  • 36. Choose the correct spelling
A) speke
B) spec
C) speck
D) spek
  • 37. Choose the correct spelling
A) cept
B) kipt
C) keapt
D) kept
  • 38. Choose the correct spelling
A) chep
B) cheipe
C) cheap
D) cheip
  • 39. Choose the correct spelling
A) prutend
B) pertend
C) pretend
D) pratend
  • 40. Choose the correct spelling
A) greade
B) grede
C) greed
D) gread
  • 41. Choose the correct spelling
A) shelfe
B) chelf
C) selfie
D) shelf
  • 42. Choose the correct spelling
A) laste
B) least
C) leasete
D) lest
  • 43. Choose the correct spelling
A) eiger
B) eiger
C) eager
D) egar
  • 44. Choose the correct spelling
A) raisian
B) rason
C) reson
D) reason
  • 45. Choose the correct spelling
A) chief
B) cheef
C) cheaf
D) cheif
  • 46. Choose the correct spelling
A) echo
B) eco
C) eho
D) echoe
  • 47. Choose the correct spelling
A) meinu
B) manu
C) menue
D) menu
  • 48. Choose the correct spelling
A) creturee
B) creature
C) creture
D) creaiture
  • 49. Choose the correct spelling
A) reveal
B) revael
C) revel
D) revele
  • 50. Choose the correct spelling
A) restaurant
B) restarant
C) resterant
D) restarant
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