5.6, 5.7 Gravity
  • 1. The direction of the greatest gravitational force acting on an object near Earth's surface is toward the
A) other planets near the Earth
B) Earth's atmosphere
C) center of Earth
D) star nearest Earth
  • 2. Which of the following examples provide the the best evidence that there is a gravitational force acting on objects in Earth
A) rain falling from the sky
B) lightning striking the ground
C) water evaporating from a puddle
D) leaves blowing in the wind
  • 3. A ball best demonstrates its response to the gravitational force of Earth when it
A) maintains a constant mass
B) rolls down a ramp
C) rests on a flat surface
D) collides with another ball
  • 4. The gravitational force of Earth has the greatest effect on which of the following?
A) Planets similar in size to Earth
B) The magnetic field surrounding Earth
C) light from stars far from the Earth
D) Objects near the surface of the Earth
  • 5. Which of the following would best show how the force of gravity can move a book?
A) sliding a book across a table
B) placing a book on a bookshelf
C) Dropping a book to the floor
D) turning the book face down
  • 6. What is the force that causes objects to move toward the center of the Earth?
A) mass
B) matter
C) Gravity
D) air resistance
  • 7. What keeps us on the ground and allows objects to fall toward Earth when dropped?
A) Gravitational pull
B) matter
C) weight
D) mass
  • 8. The measurement of the amount of matter in an object is
A) mass
B) weight
  • 9. The measurement of the force of gravity on an object
A) matter
B) weight
  • 10. Your ____ stays the same if you are on Earth or on the moon
A) mass
B) weight
  • 11. What is the most massive object in the solar system and has the strongest gravitational pull?
A) Jupiter
B) Sun
C) Venus
D) Mercury
  • 12. What is the force air exerts against a moving object and allows them to slow down?
A) Air resistance
B) mass
C) matter
D) weight
  • 13. List the planets in order with the help of this acronym: My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Nachos
  • 14. During our project based learning activity, we created a parachute to keep a hard boiled egg from cracking. Explain how the parachute saved the egg from cracking using these terms: parachute, air resistance, force, and gravity
  • 15. Choose one of your favorite hobbies or sports. Write about how this activity is affected by gravity
  • 16. Describe a day in your classroom without gravity. What would the objects around the room do without gravity ? How would things be different?
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