1. Write a synonym for the highlighted word: 
John enjoys playing on the tennis "field"
The movie The Lord of the Rings won several "prizes".
2. Write a synonym for the highlighted word: 

The actor Jackie Chan prefers to carry out his own "stunts"

3. Write a synonym for the highlighted word:
Choose the correct altrnative with the group of words 
which complete each blank in the paragraph: 
Kevin is a young skateboarder who likes to____________ (1) a lot of tricks. Every morning he puts on a cool __________ (2) and goes to the park to train. He ______________ (3) to enter the national ___________(4), so he trains hard. He’s nervous because he will _________ (5) next week in front of some judges.
Tony led his team _______ (win) an important basketball 
award because they love ________ (train) hard.  Every day 
they attempted ___________(improve) their techniques.
 Although he was sick, this wasn’t a  problem.  He really 
wanted ________ (play) , so he decided  _______ (stay) 
at home and rest.  He enjoys ______ (be) on the field. But 
he needed __ __________ (take care) of himself.
Read and complete the sentences with gerunds or infinitives:
Change the sentence from active to passive voice: 

"Directors choose the cast for their movies."

Change the sentence from active to passive voice: 

 "The Academy awarded the movie Titanic with 11 Oscars."

Change the sentence from active to passive voice: 

"Computer graphics have replaced robots in filmmaking."

Fill in the blank with so or such:
It was ___________ hot weather that we decided
 to go to the beach.
She is __________ funny that she always makes me laugh.
Fill in the blank with so or such:

Peter is ___________ a friendly boy.
Fill in the blank with so or such:

Fill in the blank with so or such:
Two o'clock? I never go to bed ____________ late.
I haven't done my homework. (She)
Answer the following statements with agreement or disagreement (so or neither) and the words in parenthesis.
Answer the following statements with agreement or disagreement (so or neither) and the words in parenthesis.
She will work tomorrow. (I)
Answer the following statements with agreement or disagreement (so or neither) and the words in parenthesis.
Mary and Tom are good students.  (Susan)
They can't speak Italian. (I)
Answer the following statements with agreement or disagreement (so or neither) and the words in parenthesis.
  • 17. Answer the following questions about the text above. What does the space race refer to?
A) to the rivalry between Russia and The USA to conquer the space
B) to the American project to go to the moon
C) to the Russian technological supremacy
  • 18. Answer the following questions about the text above. Why were Russia and The U.S.A. interested in space exploration?
A) to improve their economy and military force
B) to travel to the moon
C) to create satellites
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