Ch. 9 Nervous System QUIZ
__1. bi-A. together; with
__2. con-B. two; both
__3. dys-C. half
__4. en-D. one; single
__5. hemi-E. in; within
__6. intra-F. painful; difficult
__7. mono-G. within; into
__8. poly-H. many; much
__9. post-I. after; behind
__10. sub-J. below; under
__11. -algiaA. pain
__12. -astheniaB. weakness
__13. -celeC. feeling; sensation
__14. -esthesiaD. hernia; swelling; protrusion
__15. -lepsyE. seizure
__16. -lepticF. weakness
__17. -lysisG. to seize; take hold of
__18. -paresisH. breakdown; separation; loosening
__19. -phasiaI. speech
__20. -plegiaJ. paralysis
__21. -rrhaphyA. suture
__22. -sclerosisB. muscle coordination
__23. -taxiaC. hardening; thickening
__24. -tropicD. head
__25. -um; -usE. dura mata
__26. cephal/oF. turning
__27. contus/oG. structure; tissue; thing
__28. dur/oH. to bruise
__29. encephal/oI. brain
__30. esthes/o; esthesi/oJ. nervous sensation
__31. gli/oA. glue
__32. hypn/oB. gray matter
__33. isch/oC. sleep
__34. medull/oD. back; to hold back
__35. neur/oE. medulla oblongata
__36. phas/oF. pons
__37. phren/oG. extreme
__38. pol/oH. speech
__39. poli/oI. mind
__40. pont/oJ. nerve
__41. psych/oA. mind
__42. radicul/oB. split
__43. schiz/oC. body
__44. somat/oD. nerve root
__45. synaps/o; synapt/oE. point of contact; to join
__46. syncop/oF. coordination; order
__47. tax/oG. to cut off; cut short; faint
__48. thec/oH. trauma; injury; wound
__49. traumat/oI. sheath (meninges)
__50. troph/oJ. development; nourishment
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