Mon. 2/24 Ch. 9 Lesson 1 pg. 250-253
  • 1. True or false. A rock is a solid, natural material made up of one or more minerals.
A) True
B) False
  • 2. True or false. A bone is a mineral.
A) True
B) False
  • 3. What role does pressure have in the rock cycle?
A) Pressure is only involved in the formation of igneous rock.
B) Pressure is involved in the formation of both sedimentary rock and metamorphic rock.
C) Pressure is not involved in the rock cycle.
  • 4. You find a rock that contains a fossil of a plant's leaf. What type of rock is this?
A) Sedimentary
B) Igneous
C) Metamorphic
  • 5. How are fossils made?
A) Fossils are made when an animal or plant is buried in soft mud.
B) Fossils are made in one day.
C) Fossils are never made in nature, only in a factory.
  • 6. Relative dating tells scientists what?
A) Relative dating tells scientists how to get a date.
B) Relative dating tells scientists the order events that things happened in history, by looking at the rocks.
C) Relative dating tells the exact age of a rock.
  • 7. A scientist finds a layer of rock in which there are fossilized marine (water) organisms. Although the rock layer was found in the middle of Ohio (with no water). What conclusion can be reached about the history of the rock?
A) At one time, someone lost their shoes in the area.
B) At one time, the area was the same as it is today.
C) At one time, the area was covered with water.
  • 8. A Petoskey stone, which can only be found in Petoskey, Michigan, is actually a fossil of this animal.
A) Penguin
B) Coral
C) Fish
  • 9. How come a bone is not a mineral?
  • 10. True or false. Trilobites, ancient insects, are extinct today.
A) True
B) False
  • 11. Google the word: Sedimentary Rock. Choose one of the pictures that you searched and describe it in three sentences.
  • 12. Write a sentence using the word: Mineral.
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