gened8 exam
  • 1. "in flagrante delicto" means that the person to be arrested is
A) all of these
B) committed a crime
C) attempting to commit a crime
D) committing a crime
  • 2. Giving of evidence that might tend to expose the witness to punishment for crime
A) Right to freedom of speech
B) Right against self-incrimination
C) Miranda rights
D) right to privacy
E) none of these
  • 3. Sufficient reason based upon known facts to believe a crime has been committed or that certain property is connected with a crime
A) warrant
B) due process
C) Beyond reasonable doubt
D) Probable cause
E) non of these
  • 4. The bill of rights guarantees protection against wich of the following
A) none of these
B) All of these
C) Violation of human rights
D) Abuse of power by the government
  • 5. Under the bill of rights, what is the standard for the suspension of the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus
A) probable cause
B) Martial law or state of emergency
C) beyond reasonable doubt
D) clear and convincing evidence
  • 6. Which provision of the bill of rights guarantees the right to a speedy and public trial?
A) Right to a speedy and public trial
B) right to due process
C) none of these
D) right against self-incrimination
  • 7. An official documents signed by the judge which authorizes police officers to arrest the person or people named in the document
A) search warrant
B) search
C) seizures
D) warrant of arrest
E) none of these
  • 8. The bill of rights guarantees the right to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation in which legal proceeding
A) none of these
B) criminal case
C) all of the above
D) administrative cases
  • 9. Under the bill of rights, what is the standard for the imposition of excessive fines
A) probable cause
B) Beyond a reasonable doubt
C) non of these
D) clear and convincing evidence
E) Proportionality
  • 10. under the bill of rights, what is the standard for the imposition of the death penalty?
A) probable cause
B) none of these
C) strict scrutiny
D) Beyond a reasonable doubt
E) clear and convincing evidence
  • 11. Under the bill of rights what is the standard for the arrest and detention of individuals
A) probable cause
B) Beyond a reasonable doubt
C) reasonable suspicion
D) non of these
  • 12. Under the bill of rights what is the standard for the admissibility of evidence obtained through illegal searches and seizures?
A) fruit of the poisonous tree doctrine
B) probable cause
C) clear and convincing evidence
D) reasonable doubt
E) none of these
  • 13. A requirement that legal matters must be resolved according to established rules and principles
A) due process
B) Beyond reasonable doubt
C) In flagrante delicto
D) probable cause
  • 14. which provision of the bill of rights guarantees the right to equal protection the law?
A) none of these
B) Right to equal protection of the law
C) Right to privacy
D) Right due process
  • 15. The bill of rights prohibits the use of which of the following as evidence against an accused person?
A) All of these
B) none of these
C) involuntary confession
D) torture
E) Acquired trough illegal means
  • 16. Under the bill of rights what is the maximum period of detention without a judicial warrant of arrest?
A) 48 hours
B) 24 hours
C) 96 hours
D) 72 hours
E) none of these
  • 17. a lawful warrantless arrest performed by a civilian
A) warrant of arrest
B) Police arrest
C) national arrest
D) citizen arrest
E) none of these
  • 18. Under the bill of rights what is the standard for the imposition of bills of attainder?
A) clear and convincing evidence
B) none of these
C) Beyond a reasonable doubt
D) probable cause
E) strict scrutiny
  • 19. The bill of rights prohibits which of the following
A) torture and cruel punishment
B) all of these
C) Unreasonable searches and seizures
D) none of these
E) excessive bails and penalty
  • 20. which article of the 1987 Philippine constitution contains the bill of rights?
A) article lll
B) article ll
C) article V
D) article IV
E) article l
  • 21. The bill of rights guarantees the right to be a people to peacefully assemble and petition the government for
A) implementation of projects
B) all of these
C) establishment of a new political system
D) Redress of grievances
E) none of these
  • 22. the bill of rights provides protection for which of the following groups?
A) citizen and foreigners
B) Foreigners only
C) citizen only
D) government
  • 23. The bill of rights guarantees protection against warrantless arrest , except in which of the following situations?
A) all of these
B) when the person is caught in the act of committing a crime
C) none of these
D) in flagrante delicto
E) when there is probable cause
  • 24. The bill of rights recognizes the right of the people to form associations, provided that they are not.
A) Subversive
B) violent
C) none of these
D) all of these
E) inhumane
  • 25. Under the bill of rights, what is the standard for the imposition of ex post facto laws?
A) probable cause
B) none of these
C) clear convincing evidence
D) strict scrutiny
E) beyond reasonable doubt
  • 26. The bill of rights protect individuals from.
A) none of these
B) all of these
C) force Labor
D) excessive punishment
E) slavery
  • 27. which of the following is not protected by the freedom of expression?
A) religion
B) libel
C) none of these
D) assembly
E) speech
  • 28. The bill of rights guarantees the right to freedom of religion, which includes the freedom to.
A) Practive any religion
B) all of these
C) none of these
D) establish a national religion
E) promotion of one religion
  • 29. The bill of rights guarantees the right to legal representation, also known as the right to:
A) assistance of counsel
B) none of these
C) due process
D) all of these
E) equal protection
  • 30. An official documents signed by the judge which authorizes police officers to search a particular location and seize specific items
A) none of these
B) search
C) search warrant
D) seizures
E) warrant of arrest
  • 31. An evil act which is evil by its nature
A) intrinsic
B) extrinsic
C) none of these
D) internal
E) external
  • 32. What is Finis Operantis
A) end of the act
B) none of these
C) end of the motive
D) end of the agent
  • 33. Identify whether the statement about the insights of Paul Glenn on the effect of the motive on the action are true. "a good action done on account of a good purpose acquires an additional demerit"
A) all of these
B) true
C) maybe
D) false
E) neither
  • 34. Identify whether the statement about the insights of Paul Glenn on the effects of the motive on the action are true. "an indifferent act may either become good or bad depending on the motive"
A) true
B) false
C) neither
D) all of these
E) maybe
  • 35. Is the purpose which the doer wishes to achieve by such action
A) means
B) circumstances
C) end
D) motive of an act
  • 36. Identify whether the statement is correct. "human laws must conform with divine laws. this is because legitimate authority emanates from man"
A) true
B) sometimes
C) false
D) none of these
E) maybe
  • 37. Identify whether the circumstance aggravate or mitigate the act " A 12 year old child killed his father while he sleeping.
A) mitigate
B) none of these
C) aggravate
D) neither
E) maybe
  • 38. Law that are promulgated or made known to us by special command of god
A) human
B) divine
C) external
D) internal
E) positive
  • 39. Is an ordinance of reason promulgated for the common good by one who has change of society . according to st. Thomas Aquinas
A) act
B) circumstance
C) motive
D) end
E) law
  • 40. Identify whether the statement is correct. human laws are infallible" because human legislators are liable to commit errors.
A) false
B) none of these
C) true
D) maybe
E) sometimes
  • 41. what are the following aspects of norms that relates to human acts?
A) in itself
B) in its motive
C) in its circumstance
D) all of these
E) none of these
  • 42. Refers to the motive of the doer
A) what
B) whom
C) why
D) none of these
E) how
  • 43. Binds by virtue of the penalty imposed, that is enforced by or fear of being caught and punished.
A) natural law
B) divine law
C) human law
D) moral law
E) penal law
  • 44. identified as the determinants of morality
A) all of these
B) none of these
C) circumstance
D) end
E) object
  • 45. It is enforced by our personal conviction about what ought to be done as good or to be avoided as wrong
A) divine law
B) none of these
C) Eternal law
D) human law
E) moral law
  • 46. identify whether the statement about the insights of Paul Glenn on the effects of the motive on the action are true."An evil act which is done on account of an evil person is grievously wrong"
A) maybe
B) neither
C) true
D) false
  • 47. In the axiom " The end does not justify the means " The words refers to what?
A) circumstance
B) motive
C) morality
D) action
E) none of these
  • 48. Refers to the manner how the act is made possible
A) none of these
B) why
C) what
D) where
E) whom
  • 49. Person with higher educational statement are presumed to know "better" than those with little education. This statement is said to be what?
A) none of these
B) sometimes
C) maybe
D) false
E) true
  • 50. _____may either increase of decrease the wrongfulness of an evil act
A) circumstance
B) end
C) means
D) motive
E) none of these
  • 51. Considered incapable of voluntary acts and therefore , are exempted from moral accountability
A) insane
B) senile
C) moron
D) all of these
E) child
  • 52. The remote norm of morality
A) human law
B) eternal law
C) natural law
D) moral law
  • 53. Is the plan of God creating the universe and in assigning to each creature therein a specific
A) human law
B) moral law
C) eternal law natural law
  • 54. morality as being written in the heart of men
A) eternal law
B) moral law
C) human law
D) natural law
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