Homer (writer)
  • 1. Who is credited with writing the epic poem 'The Iliad'?
A) Ovid
B) Homer
C) Sophocles
D) Virgil
  • 2. Who is known for interpreting Homer's works through his dialogues, such as 'The Republic'?
A) Thucydides
B) Plato
C) Aristotle
D) Herodotus
  • 3. What type of poetry are the works of Homer typically classified as?
A) Haiku poetry
B) Satirical poetry
C) Lyric poetry
D) Epic poetry
  • 4. Who was the Greek goddess associated with epic poetry and credited with inspiring Homer?
A) Aphrodite
B) Hestia
C) Athena
D) Calliope
  • 5. In 'The Odyssey', what does Odysseus struggle to return to after the Trojan War?
A) Ithaca
B) Athens
C) Thebes
D) Sparta
  • 6. What is the name of the hero in Homer's 'The Iliad' who is known for his exceptional bravery and skill in battle?
A) Agamemnon
B) Achilles
C) Hector
D) Odysseus
  • 7. Which ancient Greek philosopher is known for debating the nature of Homer's works and their reliability in 'Rhetoric'?
A) Socrates
B) Aristotle
C) Plato
D) Thucydides
  • 8. Homer's works were originally passed down orally. What is the term for this tradition of passing down stories through speech?
A) Scribe legacy
B) Oral tradition
C) Written heritage
D) Papyrus transmission
  • 9. What is the term for a long narrative poem that typically involves heroic deeds and significant events?
A) Ode
B) Ballad
C) Epic
D) Limerick
  • 10. Who is considered the father of Western literature and greatly influenced by Homer's works?
A) Ovid
B) Sophocles
C) Sappho
D) Virgil
  • 11. In what city is Homer believed to have been born?
A) Athens
B) Smyrna
C) Corinth
D) Sparta
  • 12. Which famous literary works are attributed to Homer?
A) Aeneid and Metamorphoses
B) Divine Comedy and Paradise Lost
C) Iliad and Odyssey
D) The Republic and Nicomachean Ethics
  • 13. What language did Homer write in?
A) Sanskrit
B) Latin
C) Archaic Persian
D) Ancient Greek
  • 14. In the Odyssey, who is the main character on a journey back home?
A) Agamemnon
B) Hector
C) Odysseus
D) Achilles
  • 15. Which other culture was heavily influenced by Homer's works in later centuries?
A) Roman
B) Chinese
C) Aztec
D) Egyptian
  • 16. How many books make up Homer's Iliad?
A) 50
B) 24
C) 12
D) 36
  • 17. Who is the leading female character in the Odyssey?
A) Helen
B) Circe
C) Penelope
D) Athena
  • 18. What is the name of Odysseus's faithful dog in the Odyssey?
A) Anubis
B) Fenrir
C) Cerberus
D) Argos
  • 19. In what historical context do Homer's works take place?
A) The Mycenaean Age
B) Classical Athens
C) Roman Empire
D) Hellenistic Period
  • 20. Which epic poem follows the perilous journey of Odysseus to return home after the Trojan War?
A) Aeneid
B) Odyssey
C) Divine Comedy
D) Paradise Lost
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