  • 1. Which sea does Tunis lie close to?
A) Red Sea
B) Black Sea
C) Dead Sea
D) Mediterranean Sea
  • 2. Which famous ancient city is located near Tunis?
A) Carthage
B) Athens
C) Rome
D) Alexandria
  • 3. What is the official language of Tunisia?
A) Spanish
B) French
C) Arabic
D) English
  • 4. Which currency is used in Tunisia?
A) Euro
B) Dollar
C) Tunisian Dinar
D) Yen
  • 5. What is the traditional Tunisian dish made from semolina and served with a topping such as fish or lamb?
A) Ful Medames
B) Tabbouleh
C) Shakshouka
D) Couscous
  • 6. Which sector is a significant contributor to Tunisia's economy?
A) Tourism
B) Manufacturing
C) Mining
D) Agriculture
  • 7. Which body of water separates Tunisia from Italy?
A) Bosporus Strait
B) Strait of Gibraltar
C) Strait of Sicily
D) Gulf of Aden
  • 8. What is the name of the island off Tunisia's northeast coast, known for its beautiful beaches?
A) Sardinia
B) Djerba
C) Crete
D) Malta
  • 9. Which famous Hollywood movie was partly filmed in Tunisia's desert region?
A) Lawrence of Arabia
B) Indiana Jones
C) The Mummy
D) Star Wars
  • 10. Who was the first President of Tunisia after gaining independence from France?
A) Moncef Marzouki
B) Beji Caid Essebsi
C) Zine El Abidine Ben Ali
D) Habib Bourguiba
  • 11. Which indigenous Berber tribe is prominent in Tunisia's history?
A) Numidians
B) Kabyle
C) Amazigh
D) Tuareg
  • 12. What is the name of the vast desert that covers southern Tunisia?
A) Gobi Desert
B) Atacama Desert
C) Kalahari Desert
D) Sahara Desert
  • 13. In which continent is Tunisia located?
A) Asia
B) Europe
C) Africa
D) Australia
  • 14. Which famous Tunisian dessert is made of thin layers of pastry filled with nuts and honey?
A) Éclair
B) Baklava
C) Tiramisu
D) Macarons
  • 15. What traditional Tunisian musical instrument is a type of bagpipe?
A) Oud
B) Ney
C) Darbuka
D) Zokra
  • 16. Which ancient Roman amphitheater in El Jem is the third-largest in the world?
A) Colosseum
B) El Jem Amphitheater
C) Pula Arena
D) Arena of Nîmes
  • 17. What is the name of the historic town in southern Tunisia known for its underground cave dwelling architecture?
A) Matmata
B) Sbeitla
C) Timgad
D) Ghardaia
  • 18. Which famous Tunisian filmmaker won the Palme d'Or at the Cannes Film Festival for his film "The Wind Will Carry Us"?
A) Nouri Bouzid
B) Abbas Kiarostami
C) Ferid Boughedir
D) Moufida Tlatli
  • 19. Which coastal city in Tunisia is known for its picturesque blue and white buildings overlooking the Mediterranean Sea?
A) Monastir
B) Bizerte
C) Hammamet
D) Sidi Bou Said
  • 20. Which famous Tunisian poet and philosopher was known for his influential works on Islamic mysticism?
A) Abul-Qasim al-Shabi
B) Habib Bourguiba
C) Ibn Khaldun
D) Ibn Arabi
  • 21. Which ancient Roman site in Tunisia is famous for its grandiose triumphal arch and Capitol?
A) El Djem
B) Bulla Regia
C) Dougga
D) Carthage
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