Renewable energy policy
  • 1. Renewable energy policy refers to the set of rules, regulations, and incentives put in place by governments or other stakeholders to promote the use and development of renewable energy sources. These policies aim to increase the share of renewable energy in the overall energy mix, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, enhance energy security, and create a sustainable energy future. Common elements of renewable energy policy include financial incentives such as feed-in tariffs and renewable energy certificates, targets for renewable energy generation, research and development funding, and regulatory frameworks to support the integration of renewables into the existing energy infrastructure.

    Which of the following is a common renewable energy source?
A) Nuclear
B) Coal
C) Natural gas
D) Solar
  • 2. What does PTC stand for in the context of renewable energy?
A) Public Trading Corporation
B) Power Transmission Center
C) Production Technology Change
D) Production Tax Credit
  • 3. Which country is the largest producer of wind energy?
A) India
B) United States
C) Germany
D) China
  • 4. Which renewable energy source produces electricity by harnessing the heat from the Earth's core?
A) Biomass
B) Hydropower
C) Wind
D) Geothermal
  • 5. What is the role of the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA)?
A) Support coal mining operations
B) Monitor nuclear weapons development
C) Promote the adoption and sustainable use of renewable energy
D) Advocate for increased fossil fuel consumption
  • 6. Which country is known for its significant investment in solar energy research and development?
A) Brazil
B) Russia
C) Saudi Arabia
D) Germany
  • 7. What does FIT stand for in the context of renewable energy?
A) Feed-in Tariff
B) Financial Investment Trust
C) Fuel Import Tax
D) Fusion Interconnect Technology
  • 8. Which renewable energy policy typically requires utilities to source a percentage of their energy from renewable sources?
A) Renewable Portfolio Standard
B) Nuclear Waste Disposal Rule
C) Gas Subsidy Program
D) Oil Export Limitation
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