Louis XVI
  • 1. When was Louis XVI born?
A) 1726
B) 1804
C) 1789
D) 1754
  • 2. Which queen was Louis XVI married to?
A) Isabella of Spain
B) Anne of Austria
C) Catherine de Medici
D) Marie Antoinette
  • 3. In which year did Louis XVI become the King of France?
A) 1789
B) 1793
C) 1774
D) 1815
  • 4. What was the title of Louis XVI before he became king?
A) Duke of Burgundy
B) Count of Provence
C) Dauphin of France
D) Prince of Wales
  • 5. In which year was Louis XVI deposed?
A) 1792
B) 1801
C) 1794
D) 1789
  • 6. Which famous pamphleteer criticized Louis XVI in 'Rights of Man'?
A) Thomas Paine
B) Voltaire
C) Rousseau
D) Karl Marx
  • 7. What was Louis XVI's fate?
A) Exiled to England
B) Imprisoned for life
C) Executed by guillotine
D) Abdicated and fled to Austria
  • 8. Which war did Louis XVI support financially, contributing to the economic crisis in France?
A) Wars of Religion
B) Seven Years' War
C) War of the Spanish Succession
D) American Revolutionary War
  • 9. Who was Louis XVI's finance minister known for his failed attempts to reform the French finances?
A) Francois-Michel Le Tellier
B) Jean-Baptiste Colbert
C) Jean-Baptiste Bouillaud
D) Jacques Necker
  • 10. Which treaty did Louis XVI sign with the United States, recognizing its independence?
A) Treaty of Versailles (1871)
B) Treaty of Westphalia
C) Treaty of Paris (1783)
D) Treaty of Tordesillas
  • 11. Which document was famously written during Louis XVI's reign?
A) Emancipation Proclamation
B) Magna Carta
C) Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen
D) Universal Declaration of Human Rights
  • 12. Who was Louis XVI's youngest brother who became King after his execution?
A) Napoleon III
B) Charles X
C) Louis XVIII
D) Louis Philippe I
  • 13. What was the name of the political body that stripped Louis XVI of his powers and put him on trial?
A) National Convention
B) Estates-General
C) Committee of Public Safety
D) Legislative Assembly
  • 14. Which location became the final residence of Louis XVI before his execution?
A) Bastille
B) Temple Prison
C) Versailles Palace
D) Tuileries Palace
  • 15. In what year was Louis XVI executed?
A) 1776
B) 1793
C) 1865
D) 1805
  • 16. Where was Louis XVI executed?
A) Tower of London
B) Red Square
C) Place de la Révolution
D) Alcatraz Island
  • 17. Which monarchy preceded Louis XVI's reign in France?
A) Bourbon
B) Habsburg
C) Romanov
D) Hohenzollern
  • 18. How many children did Louis XVI have?
A) 7
B) 1
C) 2
D) 4
  • 19. Where was Louis XVI born?
A) London
B) Paris
C) Vienna
D) Versailles
  • 20. Which of the following terms does NOT refer to Louis XVI?
A) Louis the Desired
B) Sun King
C) Citizen Louis Capet
D) Louis Auguste
  • 21. What was the name of the legislative body called by Louis XVI in 1789?
A) Parliament
B) National Assembly
C) Duma
D) Estates-General
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