US pulls out of Vietnam War
  • 1. When did the US officially pull out of the Vietnam War?
A) 1975
B) 1980
C) 1973
D) 1969
  • 2. Which US President initiated the troop withdrawals from Vietnam?
A) Lyndon B. Johnson
B) Richard Nixon
C) Gerald Ford
D) John F. Kennedy
  • 3. What was the name of the agreement that paved the way for the US withdrawal from Vietnam?
A) Helsinki Accords
B) Geneva Convention
C) Treaty of Versailles
D) Paris Peace Accords
  • 4. Which country invaded South Vietnam after the US withdrawal?
A) Cambodia
B) China
C) Soviet Union
D) North Vietnam
  • 5. What was the main tactic used by the Viet Cong and North Vietnamese forces against the US military?
A) Trench warfare
B) Guerrilla warfare
C) Blitzkrieg
D) Siege warfare
  • 6. Which US Army General was in charge of US military operations in Vietnam during the troop withdrawal?
A) Norman Schwarzkopf
B) Colin Powell
C) Creighton Abrams
D) William Westmoreland
  • 7. Which country supported North Vietnam with military aid during the war?
A) France
B) United Kingdom
C) Soviet Union
D) China
  • 8. Which US state is known for being the site of a major protest movement against the Vietnam War?
A) Florida
B) California
C) Texas
D) New York
  • 9. What was the nickname given to those who evaded the draft during the Vietnam War?
A) Draft dodgers
B) Draft horses
C) War hawks
D) Peacekeepers
  • 10. Which US military branch had the most personnel deployed in Vietnam during the war?
A) Marines
B) Army
C) Navy
D) Air Force
  • 11. Where did the US sign the agreement to withdraw from Vietnam in 1973?
A) London
B) Paris
C) Moscow
D) Berlin
  • 12. What was the approximate total cost of the Vietnam War for the US?
A) $300 billion
B) $168 billion
C) $1 trillion
D) $50 billion
  • 13. Who was the President of South Vietnam at the time of the US withdrawal?
A) Ngo Dinh Diem
B) Le Duan
C) Nguyen Van Thieu
D) Ho Chi Minh
  • 14. What was the term used for the policy of gradually returning control of the war to the Vietnamese during the US withdrawal?
A) Vietnamization
B) Isolation
C) Escalation
D) Pacification
  • 15. What was the operation called by the US to evacuate its personnel and Vietnamese allies in 1975?
A) Operation Rolling Thunder
B) Operation Arc Light
C) Operation Linebacker II
D) Operation Frequent Wind
  • 16. What was the name of the congressional resolution that authorized US military involvement in Vietnam?
A) Authorization for Use of Military Force
B) Patriot Act
C) Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
D) War Powers Act
  • 17. Which US general oversaw much of the US military involvement in Vietnam?
A) Douglas MacArthur
B) Colin Powell
C) George Patton
D) William Westmoreland
  • 18. Which US city became a center for anti-war protests during the Vietnam War?
A) New York
B) Chicago
C) Los Angeles
D) San Francisco
  • 19. Which organization was established in 1973 to oversee the implementation of the peace agreements in Vietnam?
A) Vietnam Reconciliation Committee
B) International Commission of Control and Supervision
C) United Nations Peacekeeping Force
D) International Red Cross
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