  • 1. Which of the following comprises the nucleus of an atom?
A) Neutron
B) Proton
C) Proton and neutron
  • 2. Waves travel at different speeds in different mediums. To which medium does electromagnetic travel fastest?
A) Soil
B) Air
C) Water
  • 3. Which circuit let the electrons can take more than one path where all the bulbs connected on it receives equal amound to current?
A) Parallel circuit
B) Series circuit
C) Closed circuit
  • 4. What circuit has only one way an electron can travel through?
A) Open circuit
B) Series circuit
C) Parallel circuit
  • 5. What do you call the reflection behavior of sound?
A) Echo
B) Refraction
C) Interference
  • 6. The light bulb in Lester's house burned out. He decided to change the bulb with a higher resistance. What will happen to the current that the bulb will receive?
A) Decrease
B) Increase
C) Stays the same
  • 7. What is described as the distance between two corresponding points on adjacent waves?
A) Frequency
B) Amplitude
C) Wavelength
  • 8. What refers to electric current wherein the electrons in the current move in one direction only?
A) Direct Current (DC)
B) Alternating current (AC)
C) Resistive current
  • 9. What refers to the highness and lowness of a sound?
A) Amplitude
B) Pitch
C) Sound
  • 10. This is a type of wave in which the particles of the medium move up and down relative to the direction of propagation.
A) Transverse wave
B) Electromagnetic wave
C) Longitudinal wave
  • 11. Among the subatomic particles, which one is responsible for the existence of electricity?
A) Neutron
B) Protons
C) Electrons
  • 12. Karylle and Reymark are swimming in a pool. While Reymark is in the water, Karylle notices that Reymark's leg has shortened. What could be the reason for that?
A) Inference
B) Refraction
C) Diffraction
  • 13. Reynaldo is charging his phone in a powerbank. What type of current is illustrated in the situation?
A) Induced current
B) Direct Current (DC)
C) Alternating current (AC)
  • 14. Cristian rubbed an inflated balloon on his hair. Afterward, the balloon became charged and he placed it on a wall. He noticed that the balloon stuck to the wall. Cristian is experiencing what?
A) Induction
B) Conduction
C) Discharge
  • 15. To which property of the wave does pitch is dependent?
A) Speed
B) Amplitude
C) Frequency
  • 16. Which of the following cannot be found in the anatomy of longitudinal waves?
A) Crest and trough
B) Compression and rarefaction
C) Particle oscillation
  • 17. Mylene broke up with Ruszle. Due to Ruszle's frustration, he throws a stone on a calm lake. Within 10 seconds, the stone he threw created 5 waves on the water's surface. What will be the frequency of the waves?
A) 1 Hz
B) 2 Hz
C) 0.5 Hz
  • 18. Reynaldo is ironing his uniform for tomorrow's class. After ironing his clothes, he noticed that the hairs on his arm is attracted to the ironed clothes. What electricity is being described?
A) Static electricit
B) Current electricity
C) Electromagnetic electricity
  • 19. Oxygen has an atomic number of 8. How many electrons does a neutral oxygen has?
A) 16
B) 8
C) 1
  • 20. What refers to the bending of waves around a barrier or passing through small openings?
A) Diffraction
B) Refraction
C) Reflection
  • 21. This is being used as disinfectant, particularly in the hospital equipment
A) Visible light
B) UV rays
C) Infrared waves
  • 22. What simply refers to the flow of electrons?
A) Electric Current
B) Electromagnetic wave
C) Gravitational force
  • 23. What do you call a material that does not allow electrons to move easily?
A) Insulator
B) Conductor
C) Resistor
  • 24. What electromagnetic wave is used in remote controls?
A) Radio wave
B) Infrared
C) Microwaves
  • 25. What is described as the bending of waves as they travel through different mediums?
A) Diffraction
B) Reflection
C) Refraction
  • 26. What refers to a low of electrical charges that alternate direction periodically?
A) Resistive current
B) Direct Current (DC)
C) Alternating Current (AC)
  • 27. What refers to atoms that have unequal number of electrons and protons?
A) Neutron
B) Ion
C) Isotopes
  • 28. The north needle of the compass directs itself toward the geographic north for what reason?
A) Magnitude wave
B) Magnet
C) South pole
  • 29. This involves the transfer of electrons trough rubbing two objects?
A) Friction
B) Current electricity
C) Lighting
  • 30. When oxygen and hydrogen bonds to form water molecule, which atom will gain electrons?
A) Both
B) Oxygen
C) Hydrogen
  • 31. What do you call the waves that travel along the surface of a material?
A) Surface Waves
B) Electromagnetic waves
C) Transverse waves
  • 32. What is the unit of measurement for electric current?
A) Volt
B) Ampere (A)
C) Ohm
  • 33. What type of waves require a medium to propagate or travel through?
A) Nuclear waves
B) Mechanical waves
C) Electromagnetic waves
  • 34. Which of the following is the unit of measurement for resistance?
A) Volt
B) Ohm
C) Ampere
  • 35. Proton:Positive; Electron:____
A) Negative
B) Positive
C) Neutral
  • 36. What refers to the ability of an atom to attract electrons?
A) Electron configuration
B) Electronegativity
C) Ionization energy
  • 37. Which behavior of light happens when a wave bounces off a surface?
A) Diffraction
B) Rafraction
C) Reflection
  • 38. While Keymen is having a video call with Loren, his phone turned off due to battery loss. He then decided to charge his phone and plugged the charger to an outlet in their home and the phone started to charge. What do you think is the current involve in the scenario?
A) Induced current
B) Direct current
C) Alternating Current (AC)
  • 39. What type of electromagnetic is used to broadcast radio and television?
A) Infrared wave
B) Radio wave
C) Microwaves
  • 40. What do you call the negative and positive ends of a magnet?
A) North pole and south pole
B) Plus and minus
  • 41. What kind of force is being created due to either attraction or repulsion forces of charges?
A) Electric force
B) Nuclear force
C) Gravitational force
  • 42. Which of the following is likely to be involved in static electricity?
A) Electric discharge
B) Lightning
C) Friction
  • 43. What refers to the energy of flowing electrons in a circuit?
A) Bolt
B) Power
C) Voltage
  • 44. What do you call the sound frequency that is too much for humans to hear as it can damage our eardrums?
A) Infrasonic
B) Subsonic
C) Ultrasonic
  • 45. Alsilyn felt an electric shock upon touching the switch in their bathroom. What would best describes to what Alsilyn felt?
A) Lightning
B) Friction
C) Electric discharge
  • 46. Which of the following is not a subatomic particle that can be found within an atom?
A) Proton
B) Electron
C) Poles
  • 47. Using the right-hand rule, when your thumb is pointed toward your right, what will be the direction of the magnetic force?
A) Upward
B) Horizontal
C) Downward
  • 48. What best describes the movement of particles of a longitudinal wave?
A) Side to side
B) Back and forth
C) Up and down
  • 49. Which refers to the number of waves that pass a fixed point in a given amount of time?
A) Amplitude
B) Period
C) Frequency
  • 50. Which of the following has the strongest magnetic force?
A) Ferro magnetic
B) Copper magnet
C) Steel magnet
  • 51. Neon has 7 electrons while Nickel has 8. Among the two, which is more likely to attract electrons?
A) They have equal ability to attract
B) Nickel
C) Neon
  • 52. What do you call the area around a magnet that exhibits magnetic force?
A) Magnetic domain
B) Magnetic field
C) Magnetic faux
  • 53. Erick loves seeing rainbows. What EM wave is responsible for the thing Erick loves?
A) Ultraviolet waves
B) Visible light
C) Infrared waves
  • 54. Mery's Christmas lights are in series circuit. One day, one bulb was damaged and burned out. Will the other bulbs of the Christmas still work?
A) Maybe
B) No
C) Yes
  • 55. What ion has positive charge
A) Neutral ion
B) Cation
C) Anion
  • 56. When a white light goes trough a prism, it results in the formation of different colors. What behavior of light is involved?
A) Refraction
B) Reflection
C) Absorption
  • 57. Carbon has the same number of protons and electrons. What best describes the carbon?
A) Neutral atom
B) Positive atom
C) Negatively charged
  • 58. What do you think will happen to the frequency of a wave when it's wavelength gets shorter?
A) Increase
B) Decrease
C) Become zero
  • 59. This refers to the back-and-forth movement of molecules.
A) Rotation
B) Diffusion
C) Vibration
  • 60. What is being produced when electric charges or electrons move?
A) Voltage
B) Electric current
C) Magnetic field
  • 61. What type of ion has negative charge?
A) Neutral ion
B) Anion
C) Cation
  • 62. This refers to how far the wave travels in a given amount of time
A) Wavelength
B) Wave speed
C) Frequency
  • 63. What refers to the time required for one complete wave to pass a given point?
A) Period
B) Amplitude
C) Frequency
  • 64. What is required for an electric current to continuously flow?
A) Insulation
B) Circuit
C) Grounding
  • 65. When the north pole of a magnet gets nearer to the north pole of the other magnet, what force will occur?
A) Gravitational force
B) Repulsive force
C) Attractive force
  • 66. How many electron/s will the hydrogen atom will lost?
A) 1
B) 3
C) 2
  • 67. Alaysa is sunbathing on the beach near them. After a while, he felt on her skin that the sun's rays get warmer. What EM wave is exhibited in the situation?
A) Infrared
B) Radio wave
C) Microwave
  • 68. Gold, copper, and nickel are examples of what material?
A) Insulator
B) Resistor
C) Conductor
  • 69. Which of the following is an example of static discharge?
A) Friction
B) Electric discharge
C) Lightning
  • 70. Electronegativity is the ability of an atom to attract electrons. Between Hydrogen and Oxygen, which has high electronegativity?
A) Same
B) Oxygen
C) Hydrogen
  • 71. When you place a charged object near another object, it can cause the nearby objects to become charged as well. What is being described in the statement?
A) Discharge
B) Conduction
C) Induction
  • 72. What refers to the amount of energy that sound waves carry?
A) Frequency
B) Intensity
C) Wavelength
  • 73. What characteristic of sounds makes our voices different from the others?
A) Frequency
B) Timbre
C) Quality
  • 74. Which refers to the concept wherein electric charges are in motion creating magnetic fields?
A) Electrodynamics
B) Magnestotastic
C) Electromagnetism
  • 75. This is what resists the flow of electrons but still lets them through.
A) Conductor
B) Insulator
C) Resistor
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