numeros ordinales 1a
  • 1. Give the ordinal numer of: 11 please!!!
A) eleventh
B) eleventsth
C) onceth
D) eleventeenth
E) 11sth
  • 2. Give the ordinal numer of: 12 please!!!
A) 12sth
B) twelvsth
C) doceth
D) twelvwth
E) twelfth
  • 3. Give the ordinal numer of: 20 please!!!
A) tententh
B) 20sth
C) veinteth
D) twentyth
E) twentieth
  • 4. Give the ordinal numer of: 19 please!!!
A) ninteensth
B) 19sth
C) diecinueveth
D) tennineth
E) nineteenth
  • 5. Give the ordinal numer of: 18 please!!!
A) teneightth
B) eightenth
C) eighteenth
D) 18sth
E) dieciochoth
  • 6. Give the ordinal numer of: 17 please!!!
A) diecisieteth
B) seventeenth
C) 17sth
D) seventeesth
E) seventh
  • 7. Give the ordinal numer of: 16 please!!!
A) diezyseisth
B) 16sth
C) sixteenth
D) tensixth
E) sixtenth
  • 8. Give the ordinal numer of: 15 please!!!
A) fifteenth
B) quincesth
C) 15sth
D) fivesth
E) fiveth
  • 9. Give the ordinal numer of: 14 please!!!
A) fourteenth
B) foursth
C) catorceth
D) fourteensth
E) 14sth
  • 10. Give the ordinal numer of: 13 please!!!
A) 13sth
B) treceth
C) thirteensth
D) thertensth
E) thirteenth
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