Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • 1. What is the capital city of the Democratic Republic of the Congo?
A) Kinshasa
B) Nairobi
C) Harare
D) Brazzaville
  • 2. Which European country colonized the Democratic Republic of the Congo?
A) Belgium
B) France
C) United Kingdom
D) Portugal
  • 3. What is the official language of the Democratic Republic of the Congo?
A) French
B) Portuguese
C) English
D) Swahili
  • 4. What is the currency used in the Democratic Republic of the Congo?
A) Euro
B) Congolese franc
C) Pound
D) Dollar
  • 5. Which river forms part of the border between the Democratic Republic of the Congo and the Republic of the Congo?
A) Nile River
B) Amazon River
C) Congo River
D) Mississippi River
  • 6. Which famous volcano is located in the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo?
A) Mount Everest
B) Mount Nyiragongo
C) Mount Kilimanjaro
D) Mount Kenya
  • 7. Which conflict in the 1990s devastated the Democratic Republic of the Congo?
A) Korean War
B) First Congo War
C) Vietnam War
D) Iraq War
  • 8. Who was the first Prime Minister of the Democratic Republic of the Congo after gaining independence in 1960?
A) Joseph Kabila
B) Mobutu Sese Seko
C) Patrice Lumumba
D) Laurent-Désiré Kabila
  • 9. What natural resource is abundant in the Democratic Republic of the Congo?
A) Oil
B) Diamonds
C) Gold
D) Cobalt
  • 10. Which animal is found in the Virunga National Park in the Democratic Republic of the Congo?
A) Lion
B) Elephant
C) Mountain gorilla
D) Zebra
  • 11. Which explorer is credited with discovering the Congo River?
A) David Livingstone
B) Vasco da Gama
C) Henry Morton Stanley
D) Christopher Columbus
  • 12. In what year did the Democratic Republic of the Congo gain independence from Belgium?
A) 1950
B) 1970
C) 1960
D) 1980
  • 13. What is the name of the large forested basin in the Democratic Republic of the Congo that contains the Congo River?
A) Amazon Basin
B) Mississippi Basin
C) Congo Basin
D) Nile Basin
  • 14. What is the famous music genre originating from the Democratic Republic of the Congo?
A) Soukous
B) Reggae
C) Jazz
D) Salsa
  • 15. Which large lake forms part of the western border of the Democratic Republic of the Congo?
A) Lake Chad
B) Lake Malawi
C) Lake Tanganyika
D) Lake Victoria
  • 16. Who was the long-time dictator of the Democratic Republic of the Congo who renamed the country Zaire?
A) Mobutu Sese Seko
B) Patrice Lumumba
C) Joseph Kabila
D) Laurent-Désiré Kabila
  • 17. What is the main export of the Democratic Republic of the Congo?
A) Coffee
B) Bananas
C) Tea
D) Copper
  • 18. Who led the rebel group M23 in the Democratic Republic of the Congo?
A) Joseph Kony
B) Sultani Makenga
C) Paul Kagame
D) Yoweri Museveni
  • 19. What year was the Democratic Republic of the Congo's current constitution enacted?
A) 1980
B) 2006
C) 2010
D) 1990
  • 20. Which international organization has peacekeeping forces in the Democratic Republic of the Congo?
A) United Nations
B) European Union
C) African Union
  • 21. Which artist from the Democratic Republic of the Congo is known as the King of Rumba?
A) Koffi Olomide
B) Fally Ipupa
C) Papa Wemba
D) Franco Luambo
  • 22. Which African mountain range is located in the eastern part of the Democratic Republic of the Congo?
A) Rwenzori Mountains
B) Simien Mountains
C) Atlas Mountains
D) Drakensberg Mountains
  • 23. Which of the following is a UNESCO World Heritage Site located in the Democratic Republic of the Congo?
A) Machu Picchu
B) Virunga National Park
C) Great Barrier Reef
D) Yellowstone National Park
  • 24. Who was the long-serving President of the Democratic Republic of the Congo from 1997 to 2001?
A) Mobutu Sese Seko
B) Laurent-Désiré Kabila
C) Joseph Kabila
D) Laurent Kabila
  • 25. Who wrote the novel 'Heart of Darkness', which was set in the Congo Free State, present-day Democratic Republic of the Congo?
A) Franz Kafka
B) Ngugi wa Thiong'o
C) Chinua Achebe
D) Joseph Conrad
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