Edward the Confessor becomes king of England
  • 1. When did Edward the Confessor become king of England?
A) 1100
B) 1000
C) 1042
D) 1066
  • 2. Where was Edward the Confessor born?
A) France
B) Denmark
C) Germany
D) England
  • 3. Which noble family was Edward the Confessor a part of?
A) House of York
B) House of Normandy
C) House of Plantagenet
D) House of Wessex
  • 4. Who succeeded Edward the Confessor as King of England?
A) William the Conqueror
B) Harold Godwinson
C) Harold Hardrada
D) Edward the Martyr
  • 5. Which famous abbey did Edward the Confessor build in London?
A) St. Paul's Cathedral
B) Westminster Abbey
C) York Minster
D) Canterbury Cathedral
  • 6. Edward the Confessor was canonized as a saint by which pope?
A) Innocent III
B) Benedict IX
C) Alexander III
D) Leo IX
  • 7. Which of the following is a famous work of art depicting Edward the Confessor?
A) The Last Supper
B) The Bayeux Tapestry
C) Starry Night
D) The Mona Lisa
  • 8. What was Edward the Confessor's relationship to his predecessor, Harthacnut?
A) Half-brother
B) Uncle
C) Father
D) Cousin
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