- 1. The Return of the Soldier, a poignant novella by Rebecca West, explores the profound effects of World War I on its characters, particularly focusing on the psychological trauma experienced by soldiers. The story centers around Chris Baldry, a soldier who returns home from the war suffering from shell shock, which causes him to lose his memory of the past fifteen years of his life, including his marriage to the practical and somewhat unfeeling Kitty. The narrative unfolds through the perspective of Jenny, Chris's cousin, who becomes a lens through which the reader experiences the complexities of love, loyalty, and the haunting reality of war. As Chris's memories are erased, he finds solace in the simplicity of his pre-war existence and rekindles his connection with his first love, Margaret, who represents a lost innocence starkly contrasted with the grim realities of the present. West's nuanced characterizations and keen observations delve into themes of identity, trauma, and the harsh awakening to the disillusionment wrought by war, ultimately raising questions about the nature of memory and the human capacity for both healing and suffering.
What event triggers Chris Baldry's condition?
A) The Franco-Prussian War B) World War II C) World War I D) The Spanish Civil War
- 2. What is Chris Baldry suffering from upon his return?
A) PTSD B) Depression C) Insomnia D) Amnesia
- 3. Which character represents the past for Chris?
A) Margaret B) Dr. Anderson C) The Colonel D) Jenny
- 4. What type of narrative is used in 'The Return of the Soldier'?
A) Third-person limited B) Stream of consciousness C) Second-person D) First-person
- 5. What theme is central to the novel?
A) Faith and doubt B) Wealth and class C) Love and betrayal D) Memory and trauma
- 6. How does Chris feel about his past life with Jenny?
A) He does not remember it B) He hates it C) He cherishes it D) He is indifferent
- 7. What does Chris's amnesia symbolize?
A) Escape from reality B) Loss of identity C) Longing for childhood D) Fear of death
- 8. What does the character of Margaret represent?
A) Reality and despair B) War and destruction C) Ambition and greed D) Idealized past and innocence