  • 1. Anna felt hot holding a cup of tea. What could be the best explanation for that?
A) Ana is sensitive to feel hotness
B) The temperature in Ana's hand is different from the cup
C) The cup has hot water in it
  • 2. What will be your average speed if you run a 100 meter distance within 20 seconds
A) 60m/s
B) 70m/s
C) 50m/s
  • 3. What is electromagnetic wave is the only visible to the human eye?
A) Ultraviolet
B) Visible light
C) Infrared
  • 4. Which shows heat transfer by conduction?
A) Holding an ice cube
B) Sitting near a bonfire
C) Sunbathing
  • 5. What is the described as the total distance something has traveled divided by the total time it has traveled?
A) Average speed
B) Constant speed
C) Instantaneous speed
  • 6. This low motion basically says that the more force applied to an object, faster it will accelerate
A) Law of acceleration
B) Low of inertia
C) Law of acceleration
  • 7. What makes velocity change?
A) Change in direction
B) Both are correct
C) Change in speed
  • 8. What type of kinetic energy does moving objects possess
A) Potential
B) Thermal
C) Mechanical kinetic
  • 9. If you have a 1-kg apple, how much force you need to hold up against the force of gravity?
A) 2N
B) 1N
C) 3N
  • 10. Which of the following is not a scalar quantity?
A) Displacement
B) Force
C) Distance
  • 11. What method of heat transferred refers to the transfer of heat through direct contact?
A) Radiation
B) Convertion
C) Conduction
  • 12. What is the third law of motion which states that, "in every action, there will always be an equal and opposite reaction"
A) Law of action-reaction
B) Law of acceleration
C) Law of inertia
  • 13. Which form of energy is considered to be the cleanest form of energy?
A) Nuclear
B) Chemical
C) Thermal
  • 14. What is energy does an apple in a tree possess?
A) Mechanical potential
B) Gravitational potential
C) Kinetic
  • 15. Clifford feel cold, Hence, Mark decided to hug him since he believes he has a higher body temperature. Following the concept of heat, what would be the flow of thermal energy?
A) From mark to Clifford
B) No thermal energy is transferred
C) From mark to Clifford
  • 16. This is basically defined as the rate of doing work
A) Power
B) Energy
C) Force
  • 17. What refers to the distance something travels in a certain amount of time
A) Acceleration
B) Speed
C) Velocity
  • 18. Which energy source is limited and can be depleted?
A) Non-renewable
B) Renewable
C) Reusable
  • 19. Which renewable source if energy utilize sunlight?
A) Geothermal
B) Hydropower
C) Solar energy
  • 20. "Humans are the technically solar-powered" What does the statement implies?
A) Law of thermodynamics
B) Law of conservation of energy
C) Law of conservation of matter
D) Law of conservation of energy
  • 21. Which of the following is not among the measurement used in temperature?
A) Degrees kelvin
B) Degrees fahrenheit
C) Degrees celsius
  • 22. Who is the proponent of the three laws of motion?
A) Aristotle
B) Isaac Newton
C) Galileo Galilee
  • 23. What form of energy is the energy of an object based on its motion position?
A) Potential
B) Mechanical
C) Chemical
  • 24. Which of the following bes described speed
A) Change in distance over time
B) Change in displacement over time
C) Change in direction over time
  • 25. Ana and Sofia are playing tug of war. Sofie pulling with 5 newton whole ana is pulling with 10 newton. What is being described?
A) Net force
B) Unbalanced forces
C) Balanced forces
  • 26. What is the standard unit for distance?
A) Kilometers
B) Meters
C) Meters
  • 27. What is the standard unit for temperature?
A) Celsius
B) Kelvin
C) Fahrenheit
  • 28. The renewable source of energy can be acquired form the remains of living organism.
A) Geothermal
B) Solar
C) Biomass
  • 29. It is basically defined as the ability to do work
A) Work
B) Energy
C) Force
  • 30. Which is the vector version of speed?
A) Velocity
B) Displacement
C) Acceleration
  • 31. This is when two or more forces acting on an object are equal in all directions.
A) Net forces
B) Balanced forces
C) Unbalanced forces
  • 32. The sun heating the earth is an example of which heat transfer?
A) Convertion
B) Conduction
C) Radiation
  • 33. Powerbank is to potential as moving electric fan is to_____.
A) Mechanical
B) Electrical
C) Kinetic
  • 34. What method of heat transfer best explains why we need to place or out conditioner in higher areas?
A) Convection
B) Conduction
C) Radiation
  • 35. What is described as a push or pull that causes an object to change its position
A) Force
B) Speed
C) Energy
  • 36. What refers to the transfer of thermal energy from a warmer substance to a cooler one?
A) Heat
B) Temperature
C) Thermal energy
  • 37. Which shows velocity
A) A car driving 55 miles per hour south
B) A rocket blasting off at 2,500 meters per second
C) A bicyclist traveling 10 meter per hour
  • 38. What source of energy when used, does not get permanently depleted?
A) Reusable
B) Non-renewable
C) Renewable
  • 39. Which law in physics states that energy can neither can be created nor destroyed, it simply changes form?
A) Conservation of matter
B) Conservation of energy
C) Entropy
  • 40. What material is used to measure temperature
A) Barometer
B) Tempmometer
C) Thermometer
  • 41. What energy is involved when you kicked a ball and it moved?
A) Kinetic
B) Electrical
C) Potential
  • 42. This physical quantity the magnitude and direction.
B) Scalar
C) Vector
  • 43. Which method of heat transfer happens through electromagnetic waves?
A) Conduction
B) Convection
C) Radiation
  • 44. Which type of physical quantity only refers to the magnitude alone?
A) Scalar
C) Vector
  • 45. This energy source is renewable one that uses mechanical energy from running water like rivers and waterfalls.
A) Hydropower
B) Wind
C) Solar
  • 46. What is the formula to compute velocity?
A) Ultraviolet
B) Microwave
C) Displacement over time
  • 47. The relative hotness or coldness of a body
A) Temperature
B) Thermal energy
C) Heat
  • 48. What do you call the movement of fluids in which convection occurs?
A) Convection current
B) Conduction current
C) Radiator
  • 49. This is the speed at a certain given amount of time
A) Constant speed
B) Instantaneous speed
C) Average speed
  • 50. Which type of physical quantity refers to the magnitude alone?
B) Scalar
C) Vector
  • 51. What energy does an infrared possess
A) Thermal
B) Electric
C) Electromagnetic
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