Castro rules Cuba
  • 1. When did Fidel Castro come to power in Cuba?
A) 1959
B) 1980
C) 1961
D) 1970
  • 2. What was the name of the movement led by Castro that overthrew the Cuban government?
A) Cuban Liberation Front
B) Castro's Rebels
C) Cuban Revolutionary Army
D) 26th of July Movement
  • 3. Which political ideology did Fidel Castro embrace?
A) Fascism
B) Capitalism
C) Communism
D) Socialism
  • 4. Who was the long-time leader of Cuba before Castro seized power?
A) Jose Marti
B) Raul Castro
C) Che Guevara
D) Fulgencio Batista
  • 5. What was the name of Fidel Castro's brother who later succeeded him as President of Cuba?
A) Juan Almeida Bosque
B) Raul Castro
C) Camilo Cienfuegos
D) Ernesto Guevara
  • 6. Which country was a close ally of Cuba during Castro's rule?
A) United States
B) Soviet Union
C) France
D) China
  • 7. Which Cuban city is considered the birthplace of the Cuban Revolution?
A) Matanzas
B) Havana
C) Camagüey
D) Santiago
  • 8. Which US president announced the embargo on Cuba in response to Castro's government nationalizing US-owned businesses?
A) Dwight D. Eisenhower
B) Richard Nixon
C) John F. Kennedy
D) Lyndon B. Johnson
  • 9. What event in 1980 led to an influx of Cuban refugees to the United States?
A) Bay of Pigs Invasion
B) Mariel Boatlift
C) Operation Mongoose
D) Cuban Missile Crisis
  • 10. Which of the following Latin American countries did Castro unsuccessfully try to spread his revolution to in the 1960s?
A) Nicaragua
B) Bolivia
C) Argentina
D) Chile
  • 11. Who was the Cuban revolutionary and guerrilla leader who fought alongside Castro and was killed in Bolivia?
A) Camilo Cienfuegos
B) Fidelito Castro
C) Che Guevara
D) Raul Castro
  • 12. What was the name of the failed CIA-led operation to overthrow Castro in 1961?
A) Project Alpha
B) Operation Zapata
C) Bay of Pigs Invasion
D) Operation Mongoose
  • 13. Which Italian city is known for hosting a meeting between Castro and Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev in 1963?
A) Milan
B) Venice
C) Florence
D) Rome
  • 14. What was the name of the Cuban government's mass education campaign initiated under Castro's rule?
A) Knowledge Revolution
B) Learning Initiative
C) Literacy Campaign
D) Education for All
  • 15. Which US president formally recognized the Castro government in Cuba in 2015?
A) Barack Obama
B) George W. Bush
C) Donald Trump
D) Bill Clinton
  • 16. Which Soviet Premier was in power during the Cuban Missile Crisis?
A) Joseph Stalin
B) Leonid Brezhnev
C) Mikhail Gorbachev
D) Nikita Khrushchev
  • 17. Where was Fidel Castro born?
A) Moscow, Russia
B) Madrid, Spain
C) Birán, Cuba
D) New York City, USA
  • 18. During Castro's rule, what was the name of the program designed to eliminate illiteracy in Cuba?
A) Hola, no puedo
B) Yo, sí puedo
C) Gracias, maestro
D) Adios, educación
  • 19. During Castro's rule, what was the name of the Cuban national newspaper controlled by the government?
A) El País
B) Granma
C) Le Monde
D) The New York Times
  • 20. Which of the following countries was not a strong ally of Cuba during Castro's rule?
A) United States
B) Venezuela
C) North Korea
D) Soviet Union
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