- 1. The Last Supper, as recounted in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke, represents a significant moment in the Christian faith, marking the final meal that Jesus shared with his twelve disciples before his crucifixion. This poignant event occurs during the Passover celebration, where Jesus institutes the practice of Communion, inviting his followers to partake in bread and wine, symbolizing his body and blood, and thus establishing a new covenant. In Matthew 26:17–30, details emerge about the preparation for the meal, highlighting the disciples’ inquiry into who would betray Jesus, which adds a layer of tension and foreboding to the gathering. Mark 14:12–26 shares similar themes, emphasizing Jesus' foreknowledge of his betrayal and the profound spiritual significance of the bread and wine, which he declares to be his body and blood. Meanwhile, Luke 22:7–38 offers an additional perspective, detailing the establishment of the Eucharist and Jesus' teachings during the meal, where he also addresses the importance of humility and servanthood. The atmosphere during this gathering is both solemn and deeply emotional, as it encapsulates Jesus' farewell message, his profound love for his disciples, and the fulfillment of prophecies, thus creating a cornerstone moment in the narrative of Christianity as it leads to the events of the Passion.
During the Last Supper, Jesus shared what type of bread?
A) Wheat bread. B) Sourdough bread. C) Rye bread. D) Unleavened bread.
- 2. What does Jesus say the bread represents?
A) The church. B) His body. C) The people. D) His spirit.
- 3. What did Jesus drink at the Last Supper?
A) Vinegar. B) Juice. C) Water. D) Wine.
- 4. What does Jesus say the wine represents?
A) His teachings. B) His blood. C) His disciples. D) The new covenant.
- 5. Which disciple betrayed Jesus?
A) Judas Iscariot. B) Andrew. C) Peter. D) John.
- 6. What did Jesus predict during the Last Supper regarding Peter?
A) Peter would follow him always. B) Peter would deny him three times. C) Peter would become king. D) Peter would betray him.
- 7. In which garden did Jesus go after the Last Supper?
A) Gethsemane. B) Golgotha. C) Bethany. D) Eden.
- 8. What did the disciples argue about during the Last Supper?
A) Where they would go next. B) What they would eat. C) Who among them was the greatest. D) Who would betray Jesus.
- 9. What did Jesus wash during the Last Supper?
A) The table. B) The wine cups. C) His hands. D) The disciples' feet.
- 10. What time of year did the Last Supper happen?
A) Passover. B) Pentecost. C) Christmas. D) Tabernacles.
- 11. What did Jesus foretold about drinking wine in the kingdom of God?
A) He would drink abundantly. B) He would drink only with saints. C) He would not drink until he comes. D) He would forget to drink.
- 12. What significant event is commemorated during the Last Supper?
A) The institution of Communion B) The ascension of Jesus C) The resurrection of Jesus D) Jesus' baptism
- 13. Which Gospel provides a more detailed account of Jesus praying in the garden after the Last Supper?
A) John B) Mark C) Matthew D) Luke
- 14. Where did the Last Supper take place?
A) In a field B) An upper room in Jerusalem C) In the Galilee region D) At the Temple