A) Herbert Marcuse B) Sigmund Freud C) Theodor Adorno D) Martin Heidegger
A) Existentialism B) Structuralism C) Positivism D) Critical Theory
A) Nietzsche and Hegel B) Descarte and Kant C) Freud and Marx D) Sartre and Camus
A) It should be suppressed. B) It can lead to social liberation. C) It is irrelevant to society. D) It is purely destructive.
A) A transformation towards a more liberated society. B) Return to traditional values. C) Strict adherence to capitalism. D) Complete anarchism.
A) A technocratic society. B) A capitalist society. C) A pluralistic society. D) A one-dimensional society.
A) Gestalt Therapy. B) Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. C) Psychoanalysis. D) Humanistic Psychology.
A) A return to monarchy. B) Only political change. C) Only economic change. D) Both political and psychological transformation.
A) A synthesis of Eros and civilization. B) Total control over the masses. C) A return to primal instincts. D) Isolation from technological advances. |