George II Hanover son of George I
  • 1. When did George II become King of Great Britain?
A) 1701
B) 1760
C) 1727
D) 1800
  • 2. Which dynasty did George II belong to?
A) Hanover
B) Stuart
C) Windsor
D) Tudor
  • 3. Which war marked the beginning of George II's reign?
A) Spanish Succession War
B) Seven Years' War
C) Great Northern War
D) War of the Austrian Succession
  • 4. Which British general led the British army during the Battle of Dettingen in 1743?
A) Robert Clive
B) James Wolfe
C) George II
D) Arthur Wellesley
  • 5. What was the name of the rebellion in Scotland against George II's rule?
A) Jacobite Rising
B) Wars of the Roses
C) Glorious Revolution
D) Peasants' Revolt
  • 6. Who was George II's wife?
A) Catherine of Braganza
B) Mary II
C) Caroline of Ansbach
D) Queen Anne
  • 7. Which political figure was a prominent opponent of George II's policies?
A) Charles James Fox
B) William Pitt the Elder
C) Robert Walpole
D) Thomas Pelham-Holles
  • 8. In which year did the Battle of Cartagena de Indias take place during George II's reign?
A) 1779
B) 1762
C) 1755
D) 1741
  • 9. Who was George II's eldest son and future king?
A) Edward VI
B) Frederick, Prince of Wales
C) George III
D) William IV
  • 10. George II was the last British monarch to lead his troops into battle at which conflict?
A) Battle of Trafalgar
B) Battle of Dettingen
C) Battle of Hastings
D) Battle of Agincourt
  • 11. Who served as George II's Prime Minister from 1721 to 1742?
A) Benjamin Disraeli
B) Arthur Balfour
C) Robert Walpole
D) William Pitt the Elder
  • 12. In what year did George II die?
A) 1812
B) 1727
C) 1799
D) 1760
  • 13. Which conflict took place during the early years of George II's reign and involved a rivalry between Britain and Spain for control of the West Indies?
A) Thirty Years' War
B) Napoleonic Wars
C) American Revolutionary War
D) War of Jenkins' Ear
  • 14. What was George II's native language?
A) French
B) Spanish
C) Dutch
D) German
  • 15. During George II's reign, which colony was founded as a British penal colony?
A) Massachusetts
B) New York
C) Georgia
D) Virginia
  • 16. What was the term used to refer to the governing committee of British East India Company during George II's reign?
A) Court of Directors
B) Parliament
C) House of Commons
D) Privy Council
  • 17. During George II's reign, which architectural masterpiece in London was completed by Christopher Wren?
A) Tower of London
B) St Paul's Cathedral
C) Westminster Abbey
D) Buckingham Palace
  • 18. In which year was the Royal Family name changed from the House of Hannover to the House of Windsor?
A) 1800
B) 1917
C) 1837
D) 1760
  • 19. In which year was George II Hanover born?
A) 1702
B) 1714
C) 1738
D) 1683
  • 20. Who was George II Hanover's eldest daughter?
A) Mary, Princess of Wales
B) Louise, Princess Royal
C) Victoria, Princess of Wales
D) Anne, Princess Royal
  • 21. Where is George II Hanover buried?
A) Windsor Castle
B) Westminster Abbey
C) Buckingham Palace
D) St. Paul's Cathedral
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