Thomas Jefferson, the 3rd US President
  • 1. When was Thomas Jefferson inaugurated as the 3rd President of the United States?
A) 1776
B) 1820
C) 1801
D) 1850
  • 2. Which political party did Thomas Jefferson belong to?
A) Democratic
B) Federalist
C) Democratic-Republican
D) Whig
  • 3. Who was Thomas Jefferson's vice president during his first term?
A) Aaron Burr
B) Alexander Hamilton
C) James Madison
D) John Adams
  • 4. Which famous document did Thomas Jefferson write?
A) Declaration of Independence
B) Constitution of the United States
C) Bill of Rights
D) Emancipation Proclamation
  • 5. In what state was Thomas Jefferson born?
A) Virginia
B) Georgia
C) Massachusetts
D) New York
  • 6. Which architectural masterpiece did Thomas Jefferson design?
A) Monticello
B) Empire State Building
C) Golden Gate Bridge
D) White House
  • 7. Who did Thomas Jefferson send to explore the Louisiana Purchase territory?
A) Lewis and Clark
B) Fremont and Pike
C) Cook and Vancouver
D) Cartier and Champlain
  • 8. Which war did Thomas Jefferson avoid by imposing an embargo on trade?
A) Civil War
B) Spanish-American War
C) War of 1812
D) Revolutionary War
  • 9. Who did Thomas Jefferson defeat to become President in 1800?
A) James Madison
B) Alexander Hamilton
C) Aaron Burr
D) John Adams
  • 10. Which African-American woman had a long-term relationship with Thomas Jefferson?
A) Rosa Parks
B) Sojourner Truth
C) Harriet Tubman
D) Sally Hemings
  • 11. What university did Thomas Jefferson found?
A) Yale University
B) Harvard University
C) University of Virginia
D) Princeton University
  • 12. Who was the President of the United States immediately after Thomas Jefferson?
A) James Madison
B) James Monroe
C) John Adams
D) Andrew Jackson
  • 13. Thomas Jefferson served as Secretary of State under which President?
A) George Washington
B) James Madison
C) John Adams
D) Abraham Lincoln
  • 14. Which landmark Supreme Court case took place during Thomas Jefferson's presidency?
A) Roe v. Wade
B) Dred Scott v. Sandford
C) Marbury v. Madison
D) Brown v. Board of Education
  • 15. What did Thomas Jefferson consider one of his greatest achievements?
A) Writing the Constitution
B) The Louisiana Purchase
C) Abolishing slavery
D) Winning the Revolutionary War
  • 16. Which country did Thomas Jefferson negotiate the Louisiana Purchase with?
A) Spain
B) Great Britain
C) France
D) Russia
  • 17. In what year did Thomas Jefferson die?
A) 1900
B) 1850
C) 1826
D) 1800
  • 18. Which of the following was NOT a profession of Thomas Jefferson?
A) Doctor
B) Architect
C) Lawyer
D) Planter
  • 19. When was Thomas Jefferson born?
A) 1820
B) 1801
C) 1776
D) 1743
  • 20. Which war was ongoing during Thomas Jefferson's presidency?
A) Revolutionary War
B) Mexican-American War
C) Barbary Wars
D) War of 1812
  • 21. What was Thomas Jefferson's profession before becoming president?
A) Doctor
B) Teacher
C) Lawyer
D) Farmer
  • 22. Which political concept did Thomas Jefferson emphasize in the Declaration of Independence?
A) Natural rights
B) Monarchy
C) Expansionism
D) Socialism
  • 23. What agricultural product was a significant part of Thomas Jefferson's plantation?
A) Sugar
B) Rice
C) Tobacco
D) Cotton
  • 24. At what age did Thomas Jefferson die?
A) 83
B) 89
C) 92
D) 77
  • 25. Which act did Thomas Jefferson sign into law that prohibited trade with foreign nations?
A) Alien and Sedition Acts
B) Embargo Act
C) Homestead Act
D) Monroe Doctrine
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