John Q. Adams, the 6th U.S. President
  • 1. When was John Quincy Adams born?
A) March 15, 1791
B) September 4, 1752
C) December 29, 1808
D) July 11, 1767
  • 2. Which U.S. President was Adams' father?
A) James Madison
B) Thomas Jefferson
C) Andrew Jackson
D) John Adams
  • 3. Where was John Quincy Adams born?
A) Albany, New York
B) Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
C) Charleston, South Carolina
D) Braintree, Massachusetts
  • 4. In which year did John Quincy Adams become President of the United States?
A) 1825
B) 1809
C) 1876
D) 1850
  • 5. What was John Quincy Adams' profession before becoming President?
A) Farmer
B) Teacher
C) Diplomat
D) Lawyer
  • 6. Which international treaty did John Quincy Adams negotiate?
A) Treaty of Trianon
B) Treaty of Ghent
C) Treaty of Versailles
D) Treaty of Berlin
  • 7. Which university did John Quincy Adams attend?
A) Harvard University
B) Columbia University
C) Princeton University
D) Yale University
  • 8. What was John Quincy Adams' wife's name?
A) Eleanor
B) Martha
C) Louisa
D) Abigail
  • 9. How many terms did John Quincy Adams serve as President?
A) 4
B) 2
C) 1
D) 3
  • 10. Which state did John Quincy Adams represent as a U.S. Senator?
A) New York
B) Massachusetts
C) Ohio
D) Virginia
  • 11. What was John Quincy Adams' nickname during his political career?
A) Old Man Eloquent
B) Young Patriot
C) Silver Fox
D) Iron Fist
  • 12. In which famous case did John Quincy Adams successfully argue before the Supreme Court?
A) Brown v. Board of Education
B) Dred Scott
C) Marbury v. Madison
D) Amistad
  • 13. What was the Adams-OnĂ­s Treaty of 1819 concerning?
A) Florida
B) California
C) Texas
D) Oregon
  • 14. Who was John Quincy Adams' Vice President during his presidency?
A) John C. Calhoun
B) Henry Clay
C) Daniel Webster
D) Martin Van Buren
  • 15. What was the name of the political party that emerged from the supporters of John Quincy Adams after his presidency?
A) National Republican Party
B) Know Nothing Party
C) Democratic Party
D) Whig Party
  • 16. What was John Quincy Adams' stance on slavery during his political career?
A) Opposed to slavery
B) Pro-slavery
C) Only opposed to slave trade
D) Neutral on the issue
  • 17. What position did John Quincy Adams hold in the administration of President James Monroe?
A) Vice President
B) Secretary of State
C) Secretary of Defense
D) Attorney General
  • 18. What was the famous quote attributed to John Quincy Adams regarding foreign policy?
A) Four score and seven years ago
B) Ask not what your country can do for you
C) The only thing we have to fear is fear itself
D) America goes not abroad in search of monsters to destroy
  • 19. What was John Q. Adams' middle name?
A) Quincy Jones
B) Quincy
C) Quincy Adams
D) Quincy Boston
  • 20. What was John Q. Adams' age when he became president?
A) 57
B) 62
C) 45
D) 50
  • 21. Who succeeded John Q. Adams as president?
A) Thomas Jefferson
B) Andrew Jackson
C) Martin Van Buren
D) Abraham Lincoln
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