Earth structure
  • 1. What is the thickest layer of the Earth?
A) Outer core
B) Mantle
C) Crust
D) Inner core
  • 2. Which layer of the Earth is liquid iron and nickel?
A) Outer core
B) Crust
C) Mantle
D) Inner core
  • 3. The layer beneath the lithosphere is called the:
A) Asthenosphere
B) Mantle
C) Outer core
D) Inner core
  • 4. The Earth's mantle is mainly composed of which mineral group?
A) Sulfides
B) Silicates
C) Oxides
D) Carbonates
  • 5. Where is the Mohorovičić discontinuity located?
A) Between the crust and mantle
B) Between the mantle and outer core
C) Within the inner core
D) Between the outer core and inner core
  • 6. The crust and upper part of the mantle together form the:
A) Asthenosphere
B) Lithosphere
C) Mesosphere
D) Thermosphere
  • 7. Which type of boundary is formed when two tectonic plates move away from each other?
A) Transform boundary
B) Convergent boundary
C) Divergent boundary
D) Subduction boundary
  • 8. What is the scientific theory that explains the movement of Earth's lithospheric plates?
A) Plate tectonics
B) Earthquake theory
C) Seafloor spreading
D) Continental drift
  • 9. What is the state of matter in the Earth's outer core?
A) Plasma
B) Liquid
C) Solid
D) Gas
  • 10. What type of rock is the Earth's mantle mostly composed of?
A) Granite
B) Sandstone
C) Basalt
D) Peridotite
  • 11. The core of the Earth is primarily made of:
A) Silicon and oxygen
B) Iron and nickel
C) Carbon and sulfur
D) Aluminum and magnesium
  • 12. The Earth's lithosphere is broken into pieces known as:
A) Continents
B) Volcanoes
C) Mountain ranges
D) Tectonic plates
  • 13. What is the boundary between the Earth's crust and mantle characterized by differences in seismic wave velocities?
A) Mantle transition
B) Outer core boundary
C) Mohorovičić discontinuity
D) Gutenberg discontinuity
  • 14. What occurs when tectonic plates collide, causing one plate to be forced below the other?
A) Sliding
B) Subduction
C) Rift
D) Spreading
  • 15. What is the Earth's thinnest layer?
A) Inner core
B) Outer core
C) Crust
D) Mantle
  • 16. The presence of what mineral gives the Earth's mantle its greenish color?
A) Feldspar
B) Olivine
C) Quartz
D) Hematite
  • 17. What is the name of the process by which heat is transferred from the Earth's core to the surface?
A) Radiation
B) Subduction
C) Convection
D) Conduction
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